Watch These Bodybuilders Demonstrate Essential ‘Survival Exercises’

As a result of a series of videos in which they recreated the training montages of your favorite moviesBrandon and Hudson White (the duo of bodybuilding YouTubers better known as the Buff Dudes) came up with a screen-inspired fitness regimen of their own, based on all the skills a person might need to get through an intense survival scenario in the vein. of The Hunger Games either 28 days later.

“The chasing”

In the event that one day you end up running for your life in some sort of zombie apocalypse situation, low-intensity steady-state (LISS) cardio is a good way to prepare. “A brisk 45-minute walk or bike ride are great examples,” says Hudson. She then suggests introducing high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

“The climb”

Can you imagine that one day you will need to climb a cliff for some reason? Start with hanging bars to increase grip strength. “Try to increase your time week after week, so eventually staying in a hanging position is a doddle,” says Hudson. Progressions like an inverted row are also a good way to replicate the movement of a pull-up if you’re not ready for the more difficult movement. Then, move on to band-assisted pull-ups.

“The push”

Imagine the scene. You are trapped under the rubble of a fallen building and you need to free yourself. That means having the necessary pushing force. The Buff Dudes recommend starting with push-ups to build your chest, anterior delts, and core (knee-up push-ups can be a great starting point) and banded dips, decreasing assistance until you can perform a version without assistance.

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“The jump”

You need to jump over a chasm at body length, or jump over something at waist height. That means working your glutes, quads, and hamstrings, which means squats. Then, to cultivate the explosive power you’re going to need, move on to jump squats and box squats. “Start small, start slow,” says Hudson.

“The swimming”

Security is on the other side of a 500 meter body of water. To make sure you have the stamina to pull it off, go back to that LISS cardio. “You can’t ignore the way it increases your body’s efficiency for cardiovascular endurance and VO2 max,” says Hudson. The Dudes recommends swimming between 10 and 30 minutes a day, slowly increasing your time in the water and incorporating different stroke styles.

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