Nephrotic syndrome is more in teenage boys, swelling remains on the eyes

Nephrotic Syndrome Symptoms: Nephrotic syndrome can occur at any age and can happen to anyone. But mainly this problem is seen more in Teenage and Boys. In this disease, the kidney starts leaking protein in excess quantity, due to which this protein starts going out of the body through urine and the child becomes weak. Know here the symptoms and dangers of nephrotic syndrome.

What are the symptoms of nephrotic syndrome?

  • Swelling: As one of the first hallmarks of nephrotic syndrome, you see swelling in the eyes and face of the baby. The eyes of the child remain swollen. Apart from the eyes, there is a problem of swelling on the feet below the knees of children.
  • Urine Changes: Due to nephrotic syndrome, excessive amount of protein is released through urine, due to this the urine becomes very foamy.
    Also, the child has a much smaller amount of urine than before.
    Some blood clots may also come with urine.

What are the dangers of nephrotic syndrome?

In nephrotic syndrome, the problems that are happening to the child remain constant, apart from these, the risk of many other problems remains constant. Therefore, it is very important to treat this syndrome on time.

Blood Clotting Problems: Generally, the problem of blood clotting occurs only in old age. But children who have nephrotic syndrome can also have problems with clotting. Because a proper amount of protein in the blood is necessary to prevent the problem of blood clotting, but in children suffering from this syndrome, the protein is not able to stay in the body. Therefore, their blood becomes thick and the risk of clotting also increases.

High BP: The lack of protein in the body affects many types of chemical reactions. Due to this, extra fluid also starts forming in the body, which can increase the blood pressure and the child may have a problem of high blood pressure.

Various types of infections: Antibodies work to prevent infection in our body, which are made up of special types of proteins. But during nephrotic syndrome, the antibodies in the body become negligible and the level of protein also keeps on decreasing. Because of this, these children get any infection very quickly. In such a situation, children need a lot of care.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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