Prince Harry Reveals He Talks to a Life Coach to Maintain His Own “Mental Fitness”

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Prince Harry continues the mental health conversation and the importance of treating it as we treat physical well-being.

in a new campaign film For mental health start-up BetterUp, of which he is the impact director, the Duke of Sussex talks about how he maintains his own “mental fitness” on a day-to-day basis. One way, he says, is to work with a life coach, which the company provides.

In the short film, Harry interviews three people, including Olympic snowboarder Chloe Kim, about their own mental health practices.

“We all have greatness within us,” says the father of two. “Mental fitness helps us unlock it. It’s an ongoing practice, where you approach your mind as something to flex, not fix.”

Harry asks Kim how she would describe the relationship between the mind and the body when it comes to “functioning at peak performance.”

“It would be unrealistic for me to expect to go out there and have an amazing run, learn a new trick, if I didn’t feel good mentally,” she replies. “And I can’t expect myself to perform at my best when I doubt myself and feel negative emotions. If I don’t feel good mentally, it will jeopardize my physical health, and they go hand in hand.” And so for the last two years, I’ve been prioritizing that, listening to my body, and now I’m in a better place.”

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Harry also talks about his own experiences with “trauma, loss” and “pain” after lose his mother, Princess Diana; join the army; Y giving up her role as a senior royal after marrying Meghan Markle.

She says that by traveling the world, she has seen how other people deal with their own traumas and realized that it is “absolutely critical…to build resilience” to these emotions through mental health practices.

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