Child’s wish will be fulfilled soon, increase fertility with these Ayurvedic methods

Baby Planning: After a few years of marriage, every couple wants a little guest to come in their life. Working couple plan their life in a similar way that they keep the marriage for some initial years to focus on their relationship and career and then keep the house according to their child. start preparing. In the midst of all this, many times health issues start or there is a problem of infertility due to lifestyle-borne reasons, due to which pregnancy is not possible. This problem of infertility can occur in both men and women. Here are some Ayurvedic remedies, which are helpful in removing the problem of childlessness.

Eat Pomegranate

Using pomegranate is very beneficial to increase fertility. It increases the circulation of blood to the uterus and its associated organs, as well as thickens the lining of the uterus, giving enough strength to the fetus to develop. Consumption of pomegranate increases the sperm count in men. You can consume two pomegranates every day or you can consume it by making a cup of fresh pomegranate juice twice a day. Eating pomegranate in excess of this or drinking its juice can harm.


A major problem related to fertility is the lack of proper functioning of the testes in men and the lack of testosterone hormone. Ashwagandha is a very effective Ayurvedic medicine to overcome this cause. This medicine is very beneficial not only for men but also for women and it can be consumed by both men and women to increase fertility. You can take 5 grams of Ashwagandha with lukewarm milk twice a day. However, it would be better if you consume it only after medical consultation from a good doctor.

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Shatavari Consumption

Consumption of Shatavari is very beneficial for increasing fertility in women. Along with easing the process of conception, it also increases sexual desire. Due to its consumption, the secretion of estrogen increases and the problems related to periods remain away.

keep these things in mind

Along with consuming the things mentioned here, you must keep some things related to lifestyle in mind. These small things make a big impact on fertility. like…

  • Don’t be under stress.
  • do meditation
  • It is necessary to walk every day
  • Set bedtime and wake-up times.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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