Man transforms body after being ‘fat-shamed and told too big to ride rollercoaster’

“I used a meal prep service so I could get a basic understanding of how to prepare meals and portion sizes.”

Looking back, Pete revealed his proudest moment: “For so long, I’ve really struggled with my weight. I remember sitting down at work and saying to myself ‘Okay. I’m going to have the body I want when I’m 30.’

“To have achieved that and to have done a photo shoot on top of that, it’s great! I can’t believe all this hard work has paid off.

“This is the greatest achievement of my life: being able to say to myself ‘I’ve done it!’ No surgery. No fad diets. Simply by following a plan and making it a daily habit.

“Kylie has taught me to be motivated, disciplined, responsible, positive (even when I wasn’t), and most of all, patient.”

He continued, “I can really say that I am happy. Happy that I got here, and I know I can do it. Happy with everything I learned from my amazing trainer Kylie, and all the amazing members of the Ultimate Performance team for her support! Kylie really pushed me and helped keep me motivated, and she reminded me of my ‘why’.

“I know I’ll be picking at the little things, like not looking like someone else on social media or having what that other person has.

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