Eat these 5 things during pregnancy, there will be no problem of diabetes

Diabetes In Pregnancy: Often women eat heavily during pregnancy. They do not control what they feel like eating, many times this leads to the problem of diabetes in women. Diabetes that occurs during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. In this, the blood sugar level of the pregnant woman increases significantly. Although the problem of diabetes ends after delivery, but it is very important to control it during pregnancy. Having diabetes increases the risk of developing a baby and having a premature baby. Let us know how you can avoid gestational diabetes?

1- Take plenty of salad- You should consume plenty of salad in food. Eating salad keeps the glucose level low. Eating salad helps a diabetic patient to control sugar. Salad keeps the glycemic index low and keeps diabetes under control.

2- Eggs- Do eat eggs during pregnancy. Diabetes can be controlled by eating eggs. Protein, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids are found in eggs. Which gives many benefits. To avoid diabetes, you must eat an egg every day.

3- Almond- You can eat almonds to control diabetes during pregnancy. Eating soaked almonds daily helps in the mental development of the child. If you feel hungry during snacks then you can eat almonds. This will also fill the stomach and your food cravings will also calm down.

4- Seeds- You should also consume seeds during pregnancy. By eating seeds, the body gets fiber, which keeps blood sugar under control. It also keeps away digestive problems. You can control diabetes by eating chia seeds. It also calms the appetite and the body also gets calcium and omega-3 fatty acids.

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5- Yogurt- Do eat curd during pregnancy. Yogurt contains such pro-biotics, which keep the intestines healthy. Diabetes can be controlled to a great extent by eating curd. Yogurt also helps in improving digestion and strengthening immunity.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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