TaskHuman CEO: ‘Take broad approach’ to supporting employees’ mental well-being

“Mental health means a lot of things to a lot of people,” said Ravi Swaminathan, founder and CEO of TaskHuman in Palo Alto, CA. HRD. “Mental health is not just about suicide and depression, which are two big issues and certainly a part of the population is feeling them right now, but mental health is also about your holistic self.”

Lack of sleep, stress from family problems, physical ailments, all of these things can take a toll on your mental health. Swaminathan urges HR leaders to check in on their employees, asking them how they’re feeling and what they’re going through to get a sense of their mental well-being.

“Take a broad approach to mental wellness,” says Swaminathan. “Explore the areas of your employees’ lives that you, as a company, want to help.”

It’s crucial that companies step in to take care of their employees, especially during the Great Resignation. Nearly 70 million Americans have quit their jobs over the past year, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Prompted by the pandemic to reassess their priorities in life, employees have left their jobs for greener pastures, demanding higher wages, better working conditions, better work-life balance and more opportunities to advance your career.

In the wake of the Great Renunciation, the balance has tipped in favor of the employees. It is a question of supply and demand: with so few qualified workers available in the market, employers have to do everything they can to adapt to the needs of the workers and fill the positions. To combat nationwide staffing shortages and compete for talent, employers are being forced to increase their compensation and benefits packages beyond traditional health care, dental, vision, and 401(k) offerings.

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