Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods

A prolific poet once said: “The years start to come and they don’t stop coming.” Simple. Handsome. Wise. Growing old is inevitable, but it is also a privilege. With so many parts of modern life accelerating the signs of aging, we’re here trying to do everything we can to age gracefully and in good health. One of the best places to start: what we eat. In that sense, we put together this list of the best anti-aging foods. We may not be able to pause for years to come, but we can fill our plates with these antioxidant-rich foods that boost collagen to support healthy aging from the inside out.


You avoca-you don’t want to miss out on the benefits of this beloved fruit. It’s packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which help regulate inflammation, and inflammation is a major contributing factor to aging both on the outside and inside.

“As we age, we begin to lose the concentration of collagen, elastic fibers, and fat beneath our tissues,” Neeyaz Zolfaghari, founder of Unspoken Nutrition, told us. “This usually results in the skin’s loss of elasticity, the ability to stretch and return to its original shape.” Fortunately, omega-3s can also help increase collagen production and plump skin.


These nutritional powerhouses they are small and mighty. Sprouts have a wide variety of nutrients and bioactive compounds and have been found to play an important role in preventing chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer. In addition, they offer important antioxidant benefits, thanks to their high content of polyphenols and L-ascorbic acid.

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All tea leaves are packed with polyphenols (those super powerful antioxidants we talked about earlier), but matcha has a bit of an advantage. “Macha is the only tea where you can ingest the leaf. Most teas are steeped and then thrown away. This is why you get so many benefits from matcha, like detoxification, sustained energy and focus, and antioxidants galore,” wellness expert. Stefani Beckerman told us.

Red pepper

Red bell peppers contain 153 milligrams of vitamin C per serving, yes, even more than oranges. Our bodies need vitamin C to make collagen. Collagen helps skin cells bond with each other, making skin stronger and more elastic.


Get the broccoli. This cruciferous vegetable “contains[s] powerful antioxidants, fiber, and incredible substances that can help your body prevent disease.” Certified nutritionist Serena Poon previously told Poosh. One of those amazing substances in broccoli? Sulfur. According to Dr. Paul Jarrod Frankcosmetic dermatologist, medical director and founder of PFRANKMD, sulfur helps our bodies produce more glutathione, a super powerful antioxidant.


“You know how someone tells you that stress caused their gray hair? They weren’t lying.” Cara Clark, clinical nutritionist, tells us. Do you know what can help with that? Polyphenols from blueberries and other berries, which help fight stress and free radicals. Berries also contain vitamin C which stimulates collagen.


If you haven’t gotten over your tomato-hating phase yet, now is the time to give it a try. “Eating tomatoes is one of my favorite ways to take care of my skin. Lycopene, a plant nutrient responsible for giving foods like tomatoes and watermelon the red and pink pigment, has been shown to suppress oxidative stress. Shauna Faulisi, a holistic nutritionist and wellness chef, told us. “Not only that, but it helps prevent UVA and UVB damage caused by sun exposure. There’s a reason these foods are in abundance in the sunny summer months! Nature is always supporting us.”

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Sweet potatoes

Boil them, mash them or put them in a stew, because sweet potatoes are rich in carotenoids and beta-carotene, which are converted into vitamin A by the liver. In addition to its powerful antioxidant powers, vitamin A also helps our body to regenerate tissues, such as our skin.


These often overlooked vegetables contain nitric oxide, which helps improve blood flow and oxygen throughout the body. Greater blood flow and oxygenation = more supple and youthful skin. Like tomatoes, beets also contain skin-friendly lycopene. And, ofc, beets are rich in antioxidants.


It seems random, but beans are really good for your skin and overall health. They contain lots of protein and fiber, which help prevent blood sugar spikes. “The more we puncture, the faster we age. Crazy, but true. Each glucose spike speeds up a process called glycation in the body, which ages us internally and externally. When glycation attacks our collagen, we develop wrinkles.” Jessie Inchauspé, founder of @glucosegoddess, told us about it. Beans are, like the rest of the foods on this list, rich in antioxidants.

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