The Best Ways To Use Vegetables for Faster Weight Loss — Eat This Not That

Sorry for hitting you over the head with another zucchini, but one of the best health moves you can make is to eat more fruits and vegetables. In 2021, research published in Circulationthe journal of the American Heart Association, named two fruits and three vegetables as the optimal amount of produce to eat every day for a longer life. A 13% lower risk of death from all causes is a pretty good incentive to aim for that five a day. And this is the best time of year to get in the habit of aiming for that daily quota, as farm stalls are packed with fresh-picked produce at great prices.

In addition to longevity, if weight loss is your immediate goal, loading your plate with vegetables is an obvious strategy. “Foods that are naturally high in water and fiber, like non-starchy vegetables, tend to be foods that give you a lot of stomach satisfaction and control blood sugar for a very low calorie cost,” she says. Lon Ben AsherMS, DRnutritionist of the Pritikin Longevity Center + Spa.

In other words, you can generally eat as much as you want or until you’re full. The challenge for most of us is to make eating more vegetables a routine, as easy and automatic as taking a handful of chips out of a bowl. Ready for a challenge? After try these tips for establishing vegetarian eating habits for weight loss.

woman eating chicken salad

Getting used to starting dinner with vegetables could help you lose weight while enriching your body with more healthy nutrients, according to research published in the journal. Appetite. In one experiment, the researchers served salad 20 minutes before the main meal for two meals and served the salad at the same time as the main meal for two other meals. The research revealed that when people ate a low-calorie salad before the main course, they ate 23% more vegetables from that salad.

salmon, rice, asparagus and broccolisalmon, rice, asparagus and broccoli

You’ve heard this anecdotal advice a million times, but you may not be aware of the science behind the logic. Penn State researchers tested the practice to see if it worked in a real-world situation, a controlled feeding study of the pickiest vegetable eaters on the planet: children.

When researchers added fruit and vegetable sides to a mac and cheese meal, children ate 24% more vegetables and 33% more fruit compared to control menus. But when the researchers added the same amount of fruit and vegetables and subtracted 50 grams from the main course, the children ate 41% more vegetables and 38% more fruit than the control meal. In other words, if more of your plate is made up of produce and less of the main course, you’ll eat more vegetables!

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woman adding salt to her foodwoman adding salt to her food

Have you ever sprinkled salt on a cucumber? It’s delicious, and you want to keep sprinkling and mashing, right? Well, there are plenty of ways to make vegetables more appealing to your palate beyond just sprinkling salt. You just need to be a little creative. “People think ‘veggies means raw carrots and celery sticks,'” he says. Ilana MuhlsteinMS, RDNregistered dietitian nutritionist and author of You Can Quit!: How I Lost 100 Pounds Enjoying Carbs, Cocktails, and Chocolate—And You Can Too! “That’s not what they have to be unless of course you love them. They can have sweet and salty flavors. One of my clients microwaves green beans out of the bag and then sautés them in a skillet with chopped almonds and everything except the bagel.” Seasoning.”

Experiment with these spices to find favorites that will become your veggie prep habits: apple cider vinegar, allspice, basil, black pepper, chives, cinnamon, curry powder, garlic, ginger, mustard, nutmeg , Old Bay, paprika, bell pepper, red pepper flakes, rosemary, sage, salsa, savory, thyme, and Tabasco sauce.

Spiralized Zucchini NoodlesSpiralized Zucchini Noodles

Substitute spiralized zucchini, butternut squash or cucumber for pasta at your next Italian dinner. You’ll save calories and avoid the blood sugar spike that comes from eating spaghetti, macaroni, and other pasta noodles. Or try baked spaghetti squash with your favorite red sauce or a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

RELATED: Secret effects of eating zucchini, says science

cauliflower pizzacauliflower pizza

Start with the worst-for-you part of your run-of-the-mill pizza: the crust. Substitute one of the many cauliflower pizza crusts available at your grocery store. Then build your own vegetable pie by topping the pizza sauce with half the cheese you would normally use and double the amount of vegetables. Add red and yellow bell peppers, sliced ​​onions, broccoli, mushrooms, and even thinly sliced ​​eggplant.

Woman in kitchen garden picking tomatoesWoman in kitchen garden picking tomatoes

It seems logical that if you grow your vegetables, you are likely to eat what you grow and therefore consume more vegetables, and studies seem to prove it. Researchers from the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center data analyzed from a pilot study community gardening in two Navajo communities. The researchers wanted to see if tending to gardens affected the amount of vegetables people ate. The average daily consumption of fruits and vegetables for study participants was 2.5 servings, but the researchers found that those who gardened more than four times a month ate about one more serving of fruits and vegetables each day than those who did not. members of the Navajo Nation who cultivated the garden four or fewer times per month. month.

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If you don’t like worms or pulling weeds, let someone else get dirty under your fingernails. Join a community supported agriculture program. That’s where you buy shares of a farm’s seasonal harvest by paying a certain amount up front, and in return you receive a variety of freshly picked (often organic) vegetables each week. Some CSAs also offer fruits, eggs, meats, cut flowers, and other items. CSAs are a great way to support local farmers and get some of the freshest local produce available on a regular basis, which can encourage a healthier diet for you and your family.

Studies have shown that participation in a CSA influences vegetable consumption. for example, one public health nutrition The study analyzed questionnaires from 151 CSA members and found that, on average, participants reported a higher intake of 11 different vegetables over the course of the season. To find a local CSA in your zip code, visit

Green matcha smoothie with chia seedsGreen matcha smoothie with chia seeds

Adding vegetables to smoothies can be a healthy habit for weight management, says Lisa Moskovitz, DR, CEO of NY Nutrition Group, author of The Core 3 Healthy Eating Plan. “I often recommend smoothies as a great way to get into multiple food groups at once. The trick is to add bulk by throwing in a few handfuls of leafy greens like spinach and kale or other greens like cauliflower.” zucchini in a blender. Not only are vegetables high in nutrients and low in calories, but they’re packed with energizing and metabolism-supporting nutrients.”

RELATED: Veggie smoothie recipes for weight loss.

zip lock vegetable bagszip lock vegetable bags

Then stuff them with baby carrots, celery sticks, raw broccoli florets, and freshly picked green beans. Take those bags and place them in strategic places that you frequent every day: your car, the office, the TV room, the kitchen counter. You get the idea. You’ll eat more vegetable snacks if you run into these bags throughout the day. You can keep them cold longer by placing them in the freezer the night before.

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A little pregame on a Sunday afternoon can save you time during the week as you pack your lunches with filling fiber and fat-burning nutrition. Simple: Cook up a batch of high-fiber farro and make a large salad by adding roasted veggies (cauliflower, bell pepper, etc.), arugula, and chickpeas. Make a tahini dressing with ¼ cup EVOO, 3 tablespoons lemon juice, 3 tablespoons tahini, 2 minced garlic cloves, and sea salt and ground pepper to taste. You’ll get at least four large salads out of it, perfect business lunches at work. Just divide them into separate plastic containers.

scrambled eggs with vegetablesscrambled eggs with vegetables

Effectively add a third more vegetables to your daily allowance simply by making a vegetable omelet instead of scrambled eggs and bacon. Get creative with your toppings: chopped mushrooms, bell peppers, asparagus, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, summer squash, you name it.

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Vegetable soupVegetable soup

Think you couldn’t survive on an all-vegetable main course? You already have if you’ve had a big bowl of vegetable soup. Vegetable-packed soup is one of the easiest ways to increase your weekly vegetable intake. And eating vegetable soup is famous as a weight loss strategy. Studies show that vegetable soup made with clear broth is highly satiating, keeping you full longer so you don’t consume excess calories.

Healthy Swiss Burger with Red Wine and MushroomsHealthy Swiss Burger with Red Wine and Mushrooms
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

You can effectively reduce the saturated fat content of your burgers or meatloaf by mixing in chopped mushrooms and reducing the amount of ground beef you use. In addition to saving fat and calories, by adding mushrooms (a prebiotic), you’re helping to populate your gut with healthy bacteria. Studies have shown that the composition of the gut microbiota may play an important role in obesity and weight loss. In addition, mushrooms contain antioxidants and amino acids that protect against cell damage that can cause cancer. A 2021 meta-analysis of cancer studies in Advances in Nutrition showed that daily consumption of mushrooms was linked to reduced cancer risk by up to 45%.

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