How ‘Scream’ Star Sonia Ammar Built A Fitness Routine From The Ground Up

  • Sonia Ammar, 22, makes her film debut in Scream today.
  • The model-turned-actress sat down with women’s health to talk about all things fitness and mental health.
  • Sonia says that her exercise routine is always changing. “I try to make it fun and do something different every day,” he explains.

    Sonia Ammar may only be 22 years old, but she is already starting her second career. After years of modeling, her starring role in the movie Scream marks his official transition into acting.

    Sonia says the change was exciting (she has always been passionate about theater), but unexpected. “You never have an order for things that are going to happen,” he tells her. Women’s health.

    But with her big new role came unexpected challenges, like completely revamping her relationship with exercise. “When I was younger, I assumed that exercising was only for physical reasons, to lose weight, to stay fit or strong,” shares Sonia. “And now I have completely changed my perspective on health. I move to feel mentally good.”

    This is how Sonia built a flexible Exercise routine that keeps her happy from scratch:

    Sonia changes her workouts often.

    “I think you really have to alternate and try different things,” says Sonia. women’s health, “and so I try to make it fun and do something different every day.”

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    pilates classes are one of his favorite ways to break a sweat. She says machines, like the reformer Y the chair, Help her tone her entire body. On other days, turn to hand weights and resistance bands for a full-body workout.

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    Even the amount of time you spend exercising changes. Sometimes it’s an hour interval training or a long walk, while on other days you can move your body for 20 minutes. That baseline “has really impacted my mental health,” adds Sonia.

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    As for food, Sonia is a fan of intermittent fasting.

    while filming Scream, Sonia noticed that her eating habits began to change. “I realized that I wasn’t very disciplined with food,” she says. Between eating what was available on set (at all times of the day) and “drinking too much coffee,” he wasn’t feeling his best.

    She has since given up coffee entirely and now follows a flexible diet. Intermittent fasting schedule.

    She starts eating around noon every day, then has a meal whenever she’s hungry after that. “I’m still finding that balance,” he adds. “I don’t think I’ve found the perfect strategy.” Sonia also says that she will prepare some breakfast if she wakes up more hungry; it is about “listening to my body and what I need”.

    And he’s working on his cooking skills. “I’m the worst chef,” admits Sonia. “I love food and I love going out to eat, but I’ve definitely been embarrassed about my cooking skills.”

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    So, she challenges herself to cook dinner at least twice a week. She usually makes a marinated chicken dish with rice and some veggies like sweet potatoes or zucchini (yum!).

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    And he has been working hard to improve his mental health.

    First things first: Sonia wakes up with the help of a alarm clock, not your phone. Then meditate for five to ten minutes. This short morning routine helps Sonia start her day off right.

    As the day progresses, Sonia likes to set aside some time to read, watch TED talks, or go for a walk.

    Prioritizing her mental health is new to Sonia, but she says it has made a big difference. She is honest about her past experiences as a model: the industry often made her feel objectified, as so much emphasis was placed on her body.

    Now that she’s transitioned into acting, she focuses on her own health by revamping her daily routines. The result? “I think the best thing I realized for myself is that accepting your body and accepting the way you look” is key, “but the most important thing is to fix the way you feel,” he says.

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