8 Surprising Causes of Dehydration, How To Combat Them | Well+Good

Ahh, good old H2O, the elixir of life. I remember watching the show surviving man religiously when he was younger, in which a cameraman and survival expert, Les Stroud, set up cameras around the world and survived in forests, deserts, tundras, islands, and even on a raft floating in the sea. The first thing he always did, no matter what, was fetch water. The famous quote that he managed to include in almost every episode was that you could survive for a handful of days (even weeks) without food, but the human body can’t survive without water for very long, he thinks three days, tops. .

So sure, you’re probably not in a survival situation, but there are *many* ways the body can become dehydrated. Exhibit A: write non-stop for hours and subsist only on cold beer. This is a pretty predictable way to get dehydrated (and yet I still do it on my worst days), what about the not-so-obvious causes of dehydration? Needless to say, these sneaky scenarios are smart to have on your radar.

Foreseeable Y unpredictable causes of dehydration to be aware of

The first is the first. “Dehydration can be caused by several key factors, particularly exercise or training intensity, environmental conditions, and the amount of fluid you’ve consumed,” he says. Dr Michael Swartzonprimary care sports medicine physician with Baptist Health Orthopedic Care.

Dr. Swartzon says that as soon as someone loses two percent of body mass due to fluid loss or more, their performance levels can drop rapidly and levels of dehydration will intensify. Unfortunately, most people don’t really have a mechanism for assessing how much body mass they’ve lost through sweat. A good rule of thumb, says Dr. Swartzon, is to remember that every time something leaves your body, you’re also losing water. “And I mean anything,” he adds.

Seeing that dehydration can occur outside of the more obvious scenarios of I’ve been playing football for hours in 100 degree weather and that some of the symptoms can be hard to spot, and easy to ignore. some of the lesser known causes of dehydration to watch out for this season? As we move full steam ahead (no pun intended) into August, Dr. Swartzon has answers.

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1. Being in a new environment

“Some of the people who are most at risk for heat-related illnesses, including dehydration, are those who haven’t spent much time outdoors and are in a new environment,” says Dr. Swartzon. For example, when people who live in the Northeast travel to warmer climates like South Florida. “If you’re visiting friends or family who are used to being on a boat all the time, and they’re not, it’s important to watch out for them. Make sure they’re wearing a hat, drinking water and using their sunscreen,” he says. .

This is also true for those who change their daily habits, such as increasing social activities on a weekend, trying a new exercise class, or doing something all day in the sun that is outside of their typical routine. Being caught without access to water in the heat, such as at an amusement park, a protest, a concert, or a hike, is also a great opportunity for dehydration to hit you like a ton of bricks.

2. Drinking day

Sure, if you’ve ever had a hangover, then you know that alcohol can leave you terribly dehydrated. However, a hidden cause of dehydration is drinking during the day. Think about it: A night out at dinner or a bar tends to be three to five times shorter than when people plan a one-day drinking event. These contexts are also often exposed to things like a hot beach, a busy attraction, or somewhere that might require a strenuous ride.

3. Drink enough fluids with unbalanced electrolytes

“Keep in mind that if you are dehydrated and drink seemingly endless water, maybe yet need more electrolytes,” He says Kylene Bogden, RDN, registered dietitian in BareOrganics and co-founder of FWD fuel. “Someone who is extremely active, especially in the heat, and who only drinks water can become dehydrated. When you sweat, you also lose electrolytes, like sodium, potassium, and magnesium. That’s why sports drinks are popular and helpful; if you’re not If you’re a fan of the flavors or amounts of sugar in common brands, packing a tube of tablets like Nuun is also an option.”

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4. Consumption of caffeinated beverages

you’ve probably heard that caffeine is a dehydrating drink. This is because it is a diuretic, which means that it makes you urinate more. “This means you need to replace the fluids you lose from the caffeine factor — ideally, you should drink two glasses of water for every caffeinated beverage you’re consuming to make up for what the caffeine causes you to lose,” says Dr. Swartzon. .

5. Going number two

“Again, anything that comes out of your body — pee, sweat, vomit, diarrhea, and even your breath — can cause you to lose water,” says Bogden. This is why You can still get dehydrated at night while you sleep. (especially if you tend to inhale and exhale through your mouth). These are all very normal aspects of bodily function, which is why drinking water and replenishing electrolytes is a daily necessity.

But on that note, know that pooping can also cause you to lose water. This is especially true when you have diarrhea, which can be very dehydrating. Anytime you feel less than normal, it’s smart to get a little extra water.

6. Spending a lot of time wheezing

Yes really. Think of winter when you can see her breath; This happens because the water vapor in your breath cools to the point that it begins to turn into a liquid. That liquid in question is, of course, mostly water. “This vapor is always escaping from your body; you can see it when you’re outside in the cold,” says Bogden. “This is another reason why physical activities that get the heart pumping, such as running, weight lifting, and sports, are leading causes of dehydration.”

7. Forgetting to hydrate because it’s *not* hot outside.

Many people, whether they exercise or not, are prone to forgetting to hydrate enough when it’s cold outside. Remember: You don’t need to be doing cardio in the sweltering heat to fill that water bottle! “It makes sense to think that you’re not wasting fluids in the cold, but you definitely are and you definitely should continue to hydrate,” says Bogden. “Physical activity and simply existing can dehydrate you in any weathernot just high temperatures.

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8. Constantly eating less than the bill

“Food can completely hydrate us (hello, soups, smoothies, and oatmeal), and inadequate calorie intake for weeks and even days in some situations can absolutely lead to dehydration,” says Bogden. “It’s definitely important to eat as much as your body needs, because that helps you have regular awareness of hunger and thirst signals. Sometimes when you eat and drink little, your body’s signals of hunger, thirst and dehydration can be difficult to discern or have unpleasant symptoms such as stomach pain, gastrointestinal problems, confusion, irritability or the like”.

TL;DR? Listen to what your body tells you and when in doubt, hydrate Y eat a hearty snack.

How can you counteract these causes of dehydration?

“For starters, make sure you’re consuming electrolytes in addition to water, especially if you’re active or wearing a heavy sweater,” says Bogden. Electrolytes are essential for the functioning of the muscles, the brain and the heart. Severe electrolyte imbalance, if not addressed, it can be a life or death situation. “Also, make sure you eat regular balanced meals every day. If you’re someone who doesn’t like the taste of water, add a splash of lemon or lime to your water to flavor”.

Dr. Swartzon also emphasizes that dehydration can become dangerous to your health very quickly, so it’s important to practice healthy habits by staying outside in the heat, eating enough, drinking the recommended daily water for your body size and listen to your body from the beginning. . Planning ahead and hydrating in the days before a larger outdoor event or engagement is also important to prevent dehydration.

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