This precaution is necessary to prevent jaundice, this problem is more in the rainy season

What is Joundice: In jaundice, the skin, the white part of the eyes and the mucus (phlegm coming out of the body) all turn yellow in color. Because the level of bilirubin in the body is very high during joint disease. Bilirubin is a type of bile, which is red-orange in color. This bile is absorbed by the liver, it helps in easing the process of metabolism inside the body. To maintain the energy level in the body, it works to break down large molecules into smaller pieces.

Cause of Jaundice: Usually the problem of jointis is related to the build-up of bile. If the process of proper formation of bile in the body is obstructed due to any reason, then jaundice disease can occur.

  • Eating stale food during rainy days can also cause jaundice. Because nowadays food gets contaminated very quickly. Viruses and bacteria present in the environment spoil the food quickly.
  • Jaundice is also caused by drinking infected water. Therefore, there is a need to be more careful about the cleanliness of drinking water, especially during the rainy days.
  • After bilirubin builds up, a blockage (blockage) of the bile ducts can cause jaundice.
  • If the virus of hepatitis A, chronic hepatitis B and C reaches the body, then there can be a problem of jaundice.
  • Epstein-Barr virus infection can also cause jaundice.
  • People who consume a lot of alcohol are also more vulnerable to this disease.
  • Rare genetic metabolic defects also cause jaundice.
  • Certain medications, acetaminophen toxicity, penicillins, oral contraceptives, chlorpromazine (Thorazine®) and estrogenic or anabolic steroids can also cause joint pain.

Symptoms of jaundice

  • It is not necessary that the same symptoms should be seen in the body of every patient suffering from jaundice. Many times the symptoms of this disease are not visible but the disease keeps on developing inside and then this disease can come up during the investigation of any other disease.
  • Sometimes jaundice also becomes fatal. The severity of this disease depends on the cause of its development and the ways in which the disease progresses.

Fever in normal patients with jaundice
stomach ache
showing flu symptoms
skin discoloration
dark yellow color of urine

  • If jaundice is not caused by any infection, then its symptoms also appear in the form of weight loss and itching on the skin.

treatment of jaundice
Usually there is no cure for jaundice in adults, but it is cured by treating the causes of this disease. Apart from this, this disease is cured by making changes in diet and lifestyle.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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