These 4 Triceps Exercises will Help You Lockout a New PR

If you asked 100 gym rats if you would love to have that triceps horseshoe look, 99 would say yes. The one person who said no to that is obviously lying and hasn’t included any tricep exercises in her routine.

The triceps make up more than 2/3 of the upper arm and it takes time and patience to build a large set of pythons. But vanity isn’t the only reason to perform triceps-focused exercises. Those three muscles on the back of your arm also play an important role in your health and performance.

This article will cover the anatomy and function of the triceps, the benefits of triceps exercises, and 4 great triceps exercises. Then we’ll explain how to do them, the benefits, and set and rep suggestions. Ready to put on your flex? So, let’s go.

Anatomy and function of the triceps muscles

The triceps, or triceps brachii, is Latin for the three-headed muscle of the arm made up of three separate muscles (long, medial, and lateral heads) with different origins, but all converging in the same place at the elbow.

The long head of the triceps is the largest of the three muscles and originates from the infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula. Because the long head crosses two joints, the shoulder and the elbow, it is involved in some overhead movements such as side bends and pull-ups.

The lateral head of the triceps is the horseshoe muscle that gives your triceps the look you want, and this originates from the posterior surface of the humerus (upper arm bone). Last but not least, the medial head of the triceps originates from the posterior surface of the humerus and, like the long head, contributes to the overall size of the triceps.

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All three heads insert on the olecranon of the ulna and the fascia of the forearm, which is located just below the elbow. The main job of the triceps is to extend the elbow and it is involved in the last third of most pressing movements. When you’re performing a bench press variation, your chest muscle works to push the bar off your chest, but once your elbow snaps to 90 degrees, it’s all triceps.

This is why the triceps play a big role in your lockout strength. More on this below.

Benefits of triceps exercises

Besides your arms look great in a fitted or sleeveless shirtThere are some health and performance benefits of a strong, well-defined pair of triceps.

  • Improved elbow health: The triceps tendons attach at and around the elbow and strengthening the muscle strengthens the tendons and bones around the elbow joint. This goes a long way in keeping your elbow joint happy and healthy.
  • Better shoulder health: The long head of the triceps, along with all the other muscles attached to your shoulder blade, will help with your shoulder strength, movement, stability, and health. Strengthening the long head also strengthens the shoulders.
  • Improved blocking force: Have you ever had problems with the last part of your bench or bench press? This is where the blocking force comes in. Adding size and strength to the triceps will improve your lockout strength and help you push through pressure plateaus.
  • Better sports performance: Any sport you play that requires elbow extension, you will benefit from having strong triceps.

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4 Triceps Exercises to Improve Lockout Strength

To add size and strength to the triceps, you need exercises that you can load or reduce or increase the range of motion to feel your triceps working. Here are 4 exercises that do just that.

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