Khali Pet Bread: Is Eating Bread Empty Stomach Good or Bad For Health? Expert Answers

Do you consume bread and wheat products such as pizza, bagels, muffins, etc.? You may be wondering if eating too much bread is bad for you. Bread is a good source of energy and is high in carbohydrates, which provide energy upon digestion. However, did you know that bread is high in calories and low in nutrients?Also Read – Anti-Aging Diet: 6 Effective Foods That Will Keep You Young and Beautiful Forever

Eating bread on an empty stomach is not a good idea. It can cause various health problems. Yes, you heard that right! One should not eat large amounts of food after waking up. Dr. Jinal Patel, Dietitian, Apollo Spectra Hospital, Mumbai explains why eating bread on an empty stomach should be avoided. Also Read – Side Effects of Yogurt: Is It Safe to Eat Yogurt at Night? Ayurveda explains

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It can increase appetite and you may end up overeating: You need to check the type of bread you eat. White bread is obviously high in carbohydrates, and it’s a no-brainer that white bread is particularly high on the glycemic index. According to available evidence, foods with a high glycemic index (GI) can increase appetite and promote overeating, thus, a person can become overweight or even obese. Also Read – Is it unhealthy to drink water during meals? Here’s what you should know

It can lead to abnormal blood sugar levels: Eating bread on an empty stomach can raise a person’s blood sugar levels and put them at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is because bread is a high glycemic index (GI) food that leads to high blood sugar levels.

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Simple carbohydrates present in bread can cause constipation: It may make you feel constipated and bowel movements will be painful. So, avoid taking it directly in the morning. Have something light first, then you can add wheat bread for breakfast.

It can cause bloating: White bread is high in sodium, and it can invite bloating and make you feel uncomfortable. It is better to watch how much bread you eat in the morning. Or you can switch to healthier snack options like whole wheat bread or fruit. But never take it on an empty stomach.

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