Bathing is not just a bath, if you use the right method then you can avoid these diseases.

Best Way To Bath: Physiology has to be taken care of even while taking a bath. So that pouring water on the body gives you relief and not disease. According to Ayurveda, bathing also has its own method so that the body temperature can be reduced gradually. When you start bathing according to this method, then the chances of having a heart attack or paralysis attack in the bathroom are reduced to a great extent.

Why does my health get worse while taking a bath?
You must have often seen or heard that some people start sneezing soon after taking a bath. While some people are fine when they go to the bathroom, by the time they come out they have already had a severe cold! In some cases, people even have a heart attack or even a paralysis attack inside the bathroom. The big reason for all these problems is not taking care of physiology while taking a bath.

What are the things to be kept in mind while taking a bath?
According to Ayurveda, you should take full care of body temperature, water temperature and weather while taking a bath. By doing this you can take advantage of the properties of water and make the body strong.

  • Bathing should always be started with washing hands. That is, first wash your hands and then the whole arms thoroughly.
  • Wet the hands one by one first and then wash the feet and then the face.
  • After washing the face, wet the rest of the body by pouring water from the shoulder and lastly pour water on the head.
  • When you take care of this process while taking a bath, your body temperature gradually decreases and starts matching with the temperature of the water. Due to which the risk of heart attack or paralysis attack is reduced while taking a bath.

Why do health problems happen while taking a bath?

The health problems that occur while taking a bath are the body’s reaction. When a person suddenly gets a cold while taking a bath, then there are some main reasons for this…

  • If someone goes for a bath without drying sweat.
  • If you wash your hands and feet immediately after running or take a bath.
  • Take a bath immediately after coming from the hot sun or immediately after coming from a long journey.
  • Take a bath within 5 to 10 minutes after taking tea-coffee or any hot drink.

Why does paralysis attack happen while bathing?

  • Paralysis attack while bathing mostly happens to those people who often go to bath after having food. Keep in mind that you should not take a bath for at least two hours after having a meal.

Why does a heart attack happen while taking a bath?

Cases of heart attack in the bathroom are usually seen in the summer season. Such cases are usually less in winter. However, there can be many different reasons for having a heart attack in the bathroom. These include all the reasons mentioned above for paralysis and cold. Also, people who pour water on their head first at the beginning of bathing, the risk of heart attack in the bathroom increases to a great extent as compared to other people. this article Ayurvedic Vaidya Surendra Singh Rajput Based on conversation with.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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