Kevin Hart To Release Mental Health Audiobook, ‘Monsters And How To Tame Them’

kevin hart is ready to throw a audio book that teaches people how to quiet the voices in their minds. According to VarietyHart’s Next Project, Monsters and How to Tame Them: Taking Charge of the Voices in Your Head, is a mental health self-help guide designed to help people silence their doubts. The project will premiere on September 15 exclusively on Audible.

The audio platform promises that the comedian will deliver his uplifting message “with his trademark honesty, hilarious voice, and skillful storytelling” through his digital book.

Monsters and how to tame them will see Hart identify the mental roadblocks he feels keep people from living their best lives. These obstacles include problems that he has called the Control Monster, the Comparison Monster, and the Approval Monster.

Kevin Hart talked about his next project and stated that he will show people how to overcome their doubts.

“I know you guys probably have one of these pesky internal monsters on your back too,” said the actor says in the audiobook trailer. “I’m going to give a quick lesson on how to deal with them.”

Monsters and how to tame them follows his two previous Audible projects: 2017 I can’t make this up: life lessons and 2020 The decision: Overcome today’s BS for tomorrow’s success.

Pre-order “Monsters and How to Tame Them: Taking Charge of the Voices in Your Head” by Kevin Hart in audible official website.

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