Diet Coke Side-Effects: 5 Harmful Effects of Having This Supposedly ‘Healthy’ Soft Drink

Coke and other sugary sodas are high in sugar and calories and can cause a variety of health problems. People drink Diet Coke because it is advertised as a soda with no sugar or calories. Is diet soda really a good option? The answer is no. Here are some reasons why you should stop drinking Diet Coke right now.Also Read – 5 Kitchen Cabinet Items That Act As Natural Painkillers And Can Keep Your Kidneys And Liver From Going Bonkers

5 Diet Coke Side Effects You Should Know

Impairs kidney function: Kidneys play an important role in removing harmful toxins from the body and detoxifying the blood. Diet Coke, when consumed in large quantities, can cause kidney problems such as kidney stones. If you drink more than two cans of Diet Coke a day, your kidney function may deteriorate. Also Read – As President Biden gets rid of Trump’s Diet Coke button from the White House desk, Twitter is absolutely delighted

Weight gain: You might think Diet Coke has no calories because of the word ‘diet’ in it. According to experts, this is a complete myth and according to the study, diet soda drinkers over a decade had 70 percent more waist circumference than those who did not drink diet soda. Also Read – Diet Coke, ice cream: Delhi’s ITC Maurya stocks up on Donald Trump’s fave food

Harmful to teeth: Because Diet Coke is acidic in nature, it can dissolve tooth enamel and damage your teeth. The more Diet Coke you consume, the more likely you are to develop tooth decay, missing teeth and fillings.

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Cholesterol level increases: Another major side effect of Diet Coke is increased blood cholesterol levels. Higher than normal LDL cholesterol levels increase the risk of stroke and heart disease.

Causes of dehydration: If you are thirsty, Diet Coke should not be your drink of choice. One of the ingredients is caffeine, which is a diuretic and causes dehydration. As a result, it is recommended that you quench your thirst with water or herbal tea instead of Diet Coke.

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