Making This Food Swap Could Lengthen Your Life, New Study Suggests — Eat This Not That

There are many benefits to reducing meat consumption in favor of eating more plant based products. Doing so could protect your brain, help your skin and increase your energy levels. Now, new research suggests that swapping the calories you get from animal protein for the same amount of plant protein may help living more time and reduce the risk of dying from heart disease.

At study, published in the magazine nutrients, the researchers analyzed data from a variety of previous experiments, examining information from approximately 1.5 million adults about protein sources in their diets and their health outcomes.

The researchers not only found that swapping calories from animal protein for calories from plant protein was associated with lower mortality from heart disease and all-cause mortality, but they also found that substituting protein from bread, cereals for red meat and pasta was especially linked to lower mortality from heart disease. Granted, filling your diet with refined grains has its own negative health consequences, so if you’re adding more of these foods to your diet, opt for whole grains when it is possible.

plant based food

Commenting on the study, julianna hever, MS RD CPT, author of The diet Choose you now Y The Healthspan Solution He says Eat this, not that! which adds to the growing evidence linking the substitution of animal products for their plant-based counterparts with lower disease mortality and longer life.

“Looking at the data broadly, plant-based diets not only have the ability to reduce the risk of chronic disease and mortality, but also reverse such serious conditions as late-stage cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes,” Hever says.

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For all the benefits of sticking to a plant based diet, however, it can be difficult to make the switch. You’ll probably have better luck starting with small changes, rather than trying to cut out animal protein altogether.

“One of my favorite tips for including more plant-based protein in your diet is what I call ‘going 50-50.'” Charlotte Martin, MS, RDN, CSOWM, CPT, author of The Plant-Forward Solution, He says. “Simply swap out half of the animal protein in a favorite recipe for a plant protein – this works well for many recipes.”

For example, he recommends swapping half the meat in Bolognese sauce for lentils. In general, he notes that adding an ounce of tofu or 1/4 cup of pulses it can usually take the place of every “ounce or two” of meat. Additionally, Martin suggests using legume-based pastas to get more plant-based protein in your diet and adding protein-packed seeds to your meal when you can.

Whether you want to go totally vegan or just want to start adding a few more plant-based meals to your recipe, get inspired by these 33 Easy Plant-Based Recipes Even Carnivores Will Love.

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