Struggling To Figure Out Which Supplement To Take? This Quiz Can Help

Drink nootropicsFor example: This category of supplements includes botanicals, neuronutrients, and bioactives that specifically improve different aspects of your cognitive health. Detractors believe that nootropics are marketed as “smart pills” that will help you pass a test or magically become the smartest person in the room.

But many nutrients that are a regular part of our diet (eg, Omega-3 fatty acids Y B vitamins) qualify as nootropics because they support specific actions that promote healthy cognitive function.* Others (such as botanical Kannafor example), are not part of our normal diet, but can help support whole brain function.

Case in point: Nootropics (or any supplement, for that matter) aren’t a magic pill, but they can certainly promote vibrant, healthy living in targeted, evidence-based ways.

Beyond setting the standard for thriving in your health and wellness (rather than just surviving), there are some specific groups that may need additional nutritional support in the form of supplements, including:


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