Why is it important to soak and peel almonds before eating them, know the whole thing

Soaked Almonds: Almond is that special dry fruit which is fed to children below one year of age. Now you must be thinking that how can such a small child eat almonds, he does not even have teeth! So the children were kept overnight soaked (Soaked almond) almonds are peeled and rubbed in the morning (Peeled almond). That is, by making almonds in a very liquid form. So that the child can get all its qualities and remain healthy.

Almond is a dry fruit and most of the dry fruits are hot in effect. Almonds are also very hot. Therefore, it is advised to eat it soaked and to bring balance by cooling its effect. Apart from this, there are many other reasons which are related to health, due to which health experts suggest soaking almonds in water overnight and peeling them in the morning.

Now the question comes that why should almonds be eaten after soaking?

  • There are not one but many benefits of eating soaked almonds. Some of these are being told here…
  • The first thing is that in the brown skin of almonds, the skin which sticks on the almond like skin, contains an element called tannin. Which creates trouble in the digestion of almonds.
  • Due to tannin, the body does not get all the properties of almonds as it hinders the release of enzymes by almonds. Therefore, even after eating almonds, the body does not get all its properties.
  • Soaking almonds in water makes it easy to peel off its skin and by eating smooth textured almonds, all its nutrients are also obtained.
  • Eating peeled almonds also helps in reducing the fat stored in the body. Because peeled almonds release an enzyme called lipase, which prevents the accumulation of fat in the body.
  • Peeled almonds are also very beneficial in reducing weight. Because the enzymes and carbs released from it keep the stomach full for a long time. In such a situation, you are saved from eating extra calories and gradually you start moving from weight control to weight loss.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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