How to Build Boulder Shoulders With Just One Dumbbell and One Exercise

Rest-pause training is a method used by bodybuilders to push individual muscle groups to the point of failure and beyond, resulting in massive fatigue and equally massive growth.

The technique is deceptively simple, you hit a series of moves, take an extremely short rest, and jump straight back. By not giving the muscle anywhere near long enough to complete retrieve, you force your body to tap into progressively more motor units, stimulating more muscle than simple straight sets would allow. Rinse and repeat until you hit a wall.

break-pause isolation takes the technique a step further by using unilateral or one-sided movements. You will work back and forth between the sides, one side resting while the other works. This will result in you getting the same rest-pause effect for the muscle you’re working, as well as a continuous effect throughout your body throughout your set, pushing your heart and lungs in the process.

Requiring just one dumbbell, this workout uses RPI to pop your shoulders. Implement this protocol once a week at the end of a session, or use it as a stand-alone home workout if you’re looking to bulk up those delts.

Start by performing five single-arm presses on your weaker side, and as soon as you’re done, repeat on the other side. Rock back and forth between your arms, five times, for twenty-five repetitions on each side. That is a set. Rest for 2 minutes and repeat for five sets total, for a shoulder burn you won’t forget.

Single Arm Dumbbell Press 5 left/5 right x 5

Place a dumbbell over your shoulder, palm facing in. Breathe and brace yourself, filling your core and strengthening your core. (A). Press your dumbbell overhead explosively (B), before lowering under control, with a slow tempo, and repeat. Squeeze the opposite hand to create tension throughout your body.

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