Nutrition funds for poor kids diverted in Punjab from 2014 to 2017

Tribune news service

karam prakash

Patiala, August 19

Officials from the Department of Social Security and Women and Child Development allegedly diverted funds from the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), earmarked for the nutritional diet of poor children in anganwadi centers.

In a special audit of five districts from 2014 to 2017, the Accountant General (Audit) revealed that funds worth millions of rupees were siphoned off to buy containers of low-quality food at inflated rates. The five districts where the Supplemental Nutrition Program (SNP) funds were allocated diverted are Ferozepur, Gurdaspur, Fatehgarh Sahib, Ropar and SBS Nagar.

The SNP aims to provide food to children under six years of age and pregnant and lactating mothers to improve their health and nutritional status. The scheme is implemented through a network of anganwadi workers under the ICDS. The audit report revealed that a scrutiny of the five districts’ records revealed that the department purchased food storage containers from SNP funds in violation of guidelines. Containers were purchased in nine districts with SNP funds. However, the AG audited only five districts because the spending incurred in these districts was the highest among the nine.

Asked about any action on the matter, Arvind Pal Sandhu, Director of the Department of Social Security and Women and Children’s Development, said: “Senior officials are looking into the matter. This is a departmental problem.”

Meanwhile, Kirpa Shankar Saroj, who has been given the additional post of Chief Secretary of the department, said he would look into the matter.

The audit noted that the five targeted districts spent Rs 807.22 lakh on a purchase order for 30,085 containers, each with a capacity of 100kg. However, container rates were different in different districts, ranging from Rs 2,980 to Rs 3,429.

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The audit also found that other districts bought containers of almost similar specifications (90 to 100 kg capacity) at low prices, even at Rs 814.

Had the purchases been made in a centralized location at the headquarters level, a tentative saving of Rs 707.22 lakh could have been made, the audit noted. The audit also noted that the food grain storage capacity of each container would be 100 kg. However, the containers had a lower storage capacity than promised in the tender. In addition, hundreds of containers were not entered in the stock register.

Flagrant anomalies in 5 districts of Punjab

  • Ferozepur, Gurdaspur, Fatehgarh Sahib, Ropar and SBS Nagar
  • Spent Rs 807.22 L on a purchase order for 30,085 containers
  • Container fees varied across districts, from Rs 2,980 to Rs 3,429
  • Other districts bought these at lower prices, as low as Rs 814

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