Teen bodybuilder who went viral for crushing weights unrecognisable 5 years on

Tristyn Lee was already pretty cut in his teens and now boasts an incredible physique thanks to his gym routine and diet.

Teen bodybuilder who went viral for crushing weights unrecognisable 5 years on
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A young bodybuilder who rose to fame after crushing weights as a 15-year-old says “working out saved his life” after years of being bullied.

Tristyn Lee became known after sharing videos of himself online showing off his soccer skills in hopes of attracting the attention of scouts.

His soccer dreams did not come true, but he caught the attention of thousands of people online who noticed his ripped physique at such a young age.

In the five years since he was first noticed, Lee has amassed an army of over two million followers on Instagram.

And the American is now almost unrecognizable from the way he looked when he first appeared in the public eye, after focusing on bodybuilding full time.

Tristyn Lee at age 15



It looks much more marked now five years later.



Lee is more ripped than ever, with huge bulging muscles covering every part of his body.

He has also earned some accolades in the bodybuilding world, having posted workouts with famous faces like Larry Wheels, Bradley Martyn, and Simeon Panda.

Now explaining his transformation, Lee says working out has changed his life after being bullied in his youth for being shorter than others his age, leading him to struggle with anxiety and depression.

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“I had no way out and then I found bodybuilding,” he said.

“It’s not about the shirtless mirror selfies. It’s about the dumbbell moments covering your back when literally no one else does.”

“It doesn’t matter if you get bullied or beat up at school, the gym is always there and that’s what kept me going, one rep at a time.”

In addition to the work he puts in at the gym, Lee credits going sugar-free for three years and following a high-protein ketogenic diet as the secrets behind his ripped physique.

Every part of your body is covered with muscles.



Lee’s bulging biceps have helped him amass an army of two million followers online.



The American says that he strictly follows the diet and never cheats while making sure to hit the gym at least twice a day.

While she admits it’s hard to maintain such a strict fitness and nutrition regimen, she wants her own experiences to help others struggling with their body image.

“This is a message for someone contemplating beginning their fitness journey. Be willing to take the hits, take the criticism, and go down many, many times,” he added.

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