This Bodyweight Arm Day Move Will Torch Your Triceps

On those days of arm strain when you just don’t have it and you’re moving a lot of weight, there’s no shame in incorporating a gentler alternative like bodyweight exercises.

In this case, we are talking about the triceps extension, normally associated with the use of heavy dumbbells, EZ-curl bar or even cables. But with this variation, a bodyweight overhead triceps extension, you can get a nice pump in your triceps without any additional load.

Even better, a few simple body adjustments can turn what is usually an isolation movement into a multi-muscle masterpiece, according to men’s health fitness manager Ebenezer Samuel, CSCS You will be able to work your core and your lats, as well as your arms.

To perform this bodyweight triceps extension, all you need is a power rack, Smith machine, or any stable bar that you can grab onto and lean on.

How to do the bodyweight triceps extension

●Set up by grabbing the bar with both hands in an overhand grip. Extend your arms so your elbows are locked and maintain a firm plank position, keeping your glutes and abs tight.

●From here, bend your elbows and drive your torso forward as your head sinks under the bar. Go only as far as you comfortably can – if you push too far forward, you can open your shoulders and injure yourself, keeping your feet planted on the ground.

●Straighten your arms, keeping your elbows in line as you squeeze your triceps.

Since it’s a bodyweight move, make it a high-rep move as well. Two or three sets of AMRAP should do the trick here; it’s okay to push yourself to failure with these overheads.

If you want to add an extra challenge, go down a level. Lowering the bar into the rack will force your abs and lats to work even harder and allow you to stretch your triceps even more.

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Jeff Tomko is a freelance fitness writer who has written for Muscle and Fitness, Men’s Fitness, and Men’s Health.

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