Premature Birth: Why babies are born before 9 months, this is the right reason

Premature Labor Symptoms: For any woman, becoming a mother is one of her special moments. Which she can’t compare to anything. In such a situation, special care has to be taken of the mother and the child growing inside her. These include lifestyle, diet and routine checkup of pregnant women. A pregnant woman takes great care of herself and the child growing inside her, but sometimes the situation also comes that she gives birth to the child before that the whole cycle of gestation period is 40 weeks. Which is called Premature Baby. Such a situation sometimes comes in pregnant women, in which she gives birth to a child prematurely, which is called Premature Delivery. Earlier, the number of such women was less, but now due to the lifestyle of women, its number is gradually increasing.

Let us tell you that there can be many such reasons behind this, due to which children are born prematurely. Let us know these reasons due to which pregnant women have to give birth to Premature Delivery Causes.

Know the reasons for premature delivery
– Having more than one baby in a woman’s womb
– Disease or infection of the pregnant woman or the baby inside her
-There is any deformity in the structure of the cervix of the pregnant woman
– The pregnant woman has already given birth to a child at a premature stage
-If the age of the pregnant woman is less
-The age of the pregnant woman is more than 35 years
– pregnant woman is underweight
If a pregnant woman already or during pregnancy has any problem of BP, heart problem, diabetes, kidney or liver disease, then this can also lead to the problem of premature delivery.
If the woman already or while pregnant consumes alcohol, smoke or drugs, then the chances of premature delivery also increase.

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