6 Best Upper Ab Exercises For Women

The best upper abs exercises for women are the ones that give you results. If you want to up your game and strengthen your core, there are some effective abdominal exercises that can help you get stronger and healthier.

The best exercises for upper abs for women

Here’s a look at six of these workouts:

1) Crunch

Crunches are a great exercise if you’re trying to build strong abs. They’re especially good at targeting your entire core region, including your upper hemisphere, meaning you won’t be leaving any muscles behind in this exercise.

Here are some tips when doing sit-ups:

For those with shoulder problems, place both hands behind your head instead of one behind each ear. Don’t arch your lower back at all; keep it flat throughout the exercise.

2) high plank

High planks are a great exercise as they target your upper abs and at the same time are a superior arm exercise compared to low planks.

To make them, follow these steps:

  • Start in a high plank position, with your shoulders directly over your hands and your hips lifted. Keep your back straight so it doesn’t arch or round.
  • Hold for 30 seconds before releasing to rest for a few seconds.
  • Repeat two more times to complete a set of three repetitions.

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3) Bicycle Crunch

Bike crunches are extremely popular with gym goers for all the right reasons. They’re simple and effective, and often more than enough to build a solid set of abs.

This is how you can make them:

  • Lie on your back, arms by your sides, palms down.
  • Bring one knee to your chest. Use it to lift your upper body off the floor, bringing both hands behind you until they meet above your head (or as close as possible).
  • Hold for a few seconds before lowering back down to the ground, making sure not to twist or rotate as you do so. Repeat this movement with the opposite leg.
  • To make things more challenging, try adding weights in each hand or lowering both feet closer to the ground before lifting them back up. That will help build core strength faster than just using bodyweight alone.
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4) Hollow clamp

The hollow hold is an excellent exercise for developing core stability. It’s also an effective way to work your abs and obliques while adding a challenge to your overall exercise routine.

The hollow hold can be done with just your body weight, but you can also add resistance using dumbbells or even a medicine ball. For example, you could hollow grip a medicine ball and do some extra moves with it, like throws or back-and-forth passes between teammates.

Here’s how to perform this exercise:

  • Lie on your back. Raise your arms and move them behind you.
  • Raise your legs and keep them in line with the tips of your fingers.
  • Your body should form a boat shape. Hold on as long as you can.

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5) Side Plank

You can do side planks with your elbows or your hands. Side planks are effective at working your obliques and waist, making them a great addition to your exercise routine.

Do side planks for up to 60 seconds, with 30-45 second breaks between each set. Once you build some strength and endurance, try holding the board for longer periods without taking breaks.

Modify this exercise by lifting one leg off the floor instead of both legs (that’ll target your core more), or try it with your knees bent (that’ll target your glutes more).

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As always, if you experience any pain during an exercise modification like this, such as back pain, stop immediately and consult a professional before continuing with the workout.

6) Reverse Crunch

A reverse crunch targets your lower abdominal muscles, which are important in supporting your torso. As such, it is an effective way to strengthen this area and therefore improve posture, as well as tone other areas of the core as well.

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To do a reverse crunch,

  • Lie on your back, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Lift just your head and shoulders off the ground, making sure to keep them in line with your hips.
  • Bring your legs towards your chest.
  • Hold the position for a second before lowering back down.
  • Perform 8 to 12 repetitions.

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As with any exercise program, you’ll only see results if you’re consistent: try to do three sets three times a week. Don’t forget that proper technique is essential; Do not lift too much weight or get too high off the ground, which may lead to injury.

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The great thing about these workouts is that they can be done anywhere and don’t require any equipment. Just make sure you do this on a mat or soft surface so you don’t hurt yourself.

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