Simple ways to avoid mosquitoes, diseases like dengue and malaria will stay away

Mosquitoes Prevention: The outbreak of mosquitoes has increased again these days and this process is going to continue till winter comes. Apart from keeping the house and surrounding area clean, you can adopt some easy but very effective tricks to prevent mosquitoes (Mosquitoes Prevention Tips In Hindi). To avoid mosquito-borne diseases…

don’t let mosquitoes enter the house

  • Not allowing mosquitoes to enter the house is a very difficult task, but it is necessary to do so to sleep peacefully at night and to avoid diseases. These tips will help you in this task
  • At least open the door of the house in the evening
  • burn camphor around the door
  • Apply mosquito repellent spray on the gates and windows of the house in the evening

Use mosquito repellant cream

There are such creams available in the market, by applying which mosquitoes do not get close. Use these creams mainly when you are going to open place like park or garden. Send the children to play in the ground only after applying this cream.

make sure the nets

Keep in mind that if there is no mesh on the main gate and windows of your house, then definitely get it installed. Because these nets prevent the entry of mosquitoes in the house in a very effective way. The house whose windows and doors have mesh, cross ventilation is good in them. Due to this, there is no smell of moisture in the house and mosquitoes are relatively less attracted towards such houses.

Plant these plants at home
You should plant such plants in the courtyard, balcony, window, near the main gate etc. of your house, whose smell repels mosquitoes. For example, forest basil, marigold, lavender, rosemary, mint, lemon grass etc. All these plants also purify the environment, bring positivity in the house and keep mosquitoes away from these plants (Mosquito Repellent Plants). Learn other ways to prevent mosquitoes here.

before sleeping at night

  • To avoid the outbreak of mosquitoes, if you use quail or any other spray, do not do it immediately before sleeping. Rather close the gate of the room by doing this spray 1 to 2 hours before.
  • The use of mosquito net is a good way to use it to avoid the outbreak of mosquitoes. Wear cotton full sleeved clothes before sleeping. These are also very helpful in protecting from mosquitoes.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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