Mosquitoes are not the same, but they also have variety, know here which mosquito sucks blood

Different Types of Mosquitoes: Heard that disturbing music playing in the ear while sleeping at night? Sudden feeling of burning and itching with a sharp prick anywhere in the body while working in peace? We all have their experience and we know the insects that do all this by the name of mosquitoes. Although very few people know that there are different types of mosquitoes too. Also, their season and cutting time are also different.

Usually, most people only notice that the mosquitoes are very large or have become very fine mosquitoes. But few people notice that the way these mosquitoes bite is also different! Some mosquitoes bite when they hear familiar music, while some mosquitoes do not even know when they came, when they bitten and when they disappeared. The world of these mosquitoes is very surprising. Come, let’s know some interesting facts about this today…

types of mosquitoes
Mosquitoes can be of hundreds of types depending on their size, habits, origin, color and diseases caused by their bite. But here we will talk about those special 8 types of mosquitoes, which are found in most parts of our country and spread diseases. Their names are as follows…

1. Aedes
2. Anopheles
3. Culex
4. Culiseta
5. Mansonia
6. Psorophora
7. Toxorhynchites
8. Wyeomyia

These mosquitoes spread the most disease

Research on mosquitoes so far has revealed that Aedes mosquitoes are number one when it comes to disease-carrying mosquitoes. Deadly types of fever like Dengue, Yellow Fever, West Nile, Chikungunya are spread by this mosquito. Even this mosquito has contributed the most in spreading the Zika virus.

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These mosquitoes are commonly found inside flood water pools, wetlands and natural or artificial containers filled with water. Although these mosquito species can be found outdoors in abundance, these mosquitoes enter homes during the day and usually bite more during the day.

these mosquitoes are beautiful
Mansonia mosquitoes are quite colorful and larger in size than other mosquitoes. Their plumage is bright and there is a black or brown lining on the legs and other parts of the body. They are found in most parts of the world and bite more in the evening. They transmit encephalitis.

These mosquitoes bite both animals and humans
The type of mosquito that bites both animals and humans and is responsible for spreading the infection of animal diseases to humans, its name is Psorophora mosquito. This mosquito travels a long distance and reaches from one place to another. Usually roadside ditches, cattle sheds, pools etc. are its breeding grounds.

These mosquitoes drink the juice of flowers

There is also a species of mosquito that does not bite humans or animals. Rather, it consumes the sap of flowers, leaves and larvae of other mosquitoes. These are called Toxorhynchites mosquitoes. The special thing is that the larvae of these mosquitoes especially prey on the larvae of other species of mosquitoes. That is, you can call these mosquitoes a friend of humans, mosquitoes!

malaria-carrying mosquito
The Anopheles mosquito is primarily known as the mosquito that spreads malaria. These mosquitoes usually breed in such areas, where water remains stagnant or there is more marshy land. They are ready to suck blood round the clock. That is, both day and night cut time.

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These mosquitoes bite after hiding the day
Mosquitoes that become more active after sunset and bite fiercely, their name is Culex mosquitoes. Although they bite during the day if given a chance, their attack increases greatly after the day is hidden, these mosquitoes breed more in places like water sources like pools, ponds and sewage plants. West Nile Virus infection spreads due to their bites.

These mosquitoes do not bite humans

Culiseta mosquitoes are found in cold places and do not bite humans. Rather, mammals feed on animals and birds. They grow in wood warehouses, broken trees, roots of shrubs found in swamps.

These mosquitoes are good in their own home

Wyeomyia is a species of mosquito commonly found on plants that feed on insects. The leaves of these plants are in such a way that if the insect goes inside them, it cannot come back and they are filled with digestive fluid, so that the insect can be digested. Viomia mosquitoes do not carry any virus and are not fatal to humans unless they leave their native place and spread from place to place in the area.

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