Following Indian food and lifestyle can make you fit and healthy

Indian food has earned a reputation as a high-calorie cuisine among health freaks around the world. But a new study in the Lancet medical journal that measures global physical activity reveals the “myth” that Indian food is unfit. The study measured physical activity in adults, ages 15 and older, from 122 countries, comprising more than 88% of the world’s population.
India according to the study, is energetic and active. Only 15.6% of Indians were found to be physically inactive. The British (63.3%), Japanese (60.2%), Italians (54.7%), Irish (53.2%), and Americans (40.5%) were found to be most inactive physically than the Indians. All credit goes to the Indian lifestyle when it comes to a fit and healthy body.
To be healthy and fit you need to analyze yourself and follow these steps.

eat what you’ve been eating

Your mom knows you best and knows what’s good for you and what’s not. She provided you with the best quality food and a balanced diet. She follows the diet that her mother gave her and she will stay away from most diseases and ailments.

eat at the right time

Every family has its own time for breakfast, lunch and dinner and by following these times to eat for a long time, your body adapts itself to that time. Eating at the wrong time can lead to health-related problems like poor digestion and an unhealthy gut. Therefore, try to always eat at the right time.

Choose the right utensils for eating and cooking

Replacing your large ceramic plates with traditional copper plates, according to Ayurveda, can benefit your health. Copper-laden foods and water are good for your heart and kidneys. In India, we had a tradition of eating with silver utensils, which improves brain and heart health. Anyone who is struggling to lose weight should try eating with copper utensils and cooking food in a clay pot just like in the old days. Not only will it benefit health, but it will also improve the taste while providing the right amount of nutrition to the body.

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eating homemade recipes

Indian food is much more than butter chicken and chole-bhature. Traditional recipes that are passed down from generation to generation have their own nutritional values ​​and cooking with those recipes will make you healthy, not fat. In our fast life, we forget traditional food recipes and eat fast food, which harms our health.

think twice before eating

We need to understand good and bad food. Most of the Indian home cooked foods are healthy and families in India eat according to a health concern, for example if you have heart related problems you should avoid fatty foods, if you have thyroid then you should stay away of foods that do not contain complex carbohydrates. Another health problem requires avoiding the foods that trigger the problem. So think twice before you eat something and choose from different Indian cuisines.

work to digest it

We need to digest the food we eat. According to doctors, we need to exercise if we want to digest our food. Sitting for a long time after eating a heavy meal can lead to weight gain and perhaps other illnesses. Traditionally in India, people did not rely on machines and did their own work. It is one of the healthiest ways to live. Why not go ahead with it?


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