Baby does not behave like normal children, then pay attention to these things, it may be due to autism

What is Autoism: Autism is a neuro development problem. Children who have this problem are not socialized well. Whereas man is a social animal and without any interaction our life is not possible. Humans have language to be social. But children with autism talk very little and what they say is very difficult for parents to understand at the initial stage. The good thing is that the symptoms of this disorder start appearing at a very young age and if treated on time, the child can lead a normal life to a great extent.

Symptoms of the disease start appearing at this age

In children who have autism, the symptoms of this disease start showing from the age of 6 months. However, even after diagnosis, doctors do not declare it. Because the language of the child is developing by the age of 3 years and some children start the interaction late. But if the child does not start interacting even after the age of 3 years, then considering this disorder as strong, its therapy and treatment is started.

Although children who start interactions late, autism therapies are helpful for them as well. So if your child is very reserved till the age of 2 years, talks less than his peers, does not mingle with other children, then you can show him to a psychiatrist and on his suggestion, you can get the necessary therapy Huh. Because doing this will prove to be very helpful in the personality development of the child.

symptoms of autism

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It is normal to walk, hold things, roll etc. But these children do not make eye contact. Does not talk. They do not smile socially, that is, when someone smiles or talks to the children, then a few months old child also smiles back. Whereas children with autism do not do these things. Not only this, doctors have their own parameters to identify this disorder and if they see all the symptoms in the child, then they put him at high risk but do not declare the disorder before the age of 3 years. While they suggest you such therapies and treatments, which help the child to recover very quickly and lead a normal life.

If the child has such a problem, then you take him to a neurologist, psychiatrist or paediatrician. After the assessment, it is known whether the disorder is mild, moderate or severe. On the basis of these, treatment starts and on the basis of these it is decided that to what extent the child will be able to lead a normal life.

Dona Singh, Senior Clinical Psychologist, Udgam Mental Hospital, says that the treatment of this disorder is possible even from the age of two years. Therefore, if parents see signs of autism in their child, then they must be seen by a specialist. So that the child can return to normal life as soon as possible, interact and can be involved with other children.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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