Shaheen Bhatt Opens Up About How She Deals with People Dismissing Mental Health Issues

Screenwriter Shaheen Bhatt, who has been outspoken about her anxiety, recently highlighted how the experience gets worse when someone close doesn’t understand the mental health issue. In a recent conversation with singer-songwriter Ananya Birla on her mental health platform ‘Here Comes The Sun’, Alia Bhatt’s sister Shaheen spoke about how she deals with people who despise mental health.

The writer Son of Sardar said that it depends on how close the person is to her. He stated that if he is on social networks, he does not usually participate. “Because I realized that someone else’s opinion of me, my mental health, or mental health, in general, is none of my business. It’s his thing,” Shaheen added.

She went on to say that if it’s someone close to her or someone she has to deal with constantly, her first instinct is to report where she can. Shaheen also cited that she feels that it is also not necessary for a person to believe and understand what mental health is. “If someone loves you, they really don’t have to fully understand what you’re going through. Just be there to support me, whether I fully understand it or not,” she added.


He has also said that many people think that mental health, depression or anxiety are new age diseases and are things that have arisen suddenly.

“People say, why all of a sudden why is everyone depressed? Suddenly why is everyone anxious? And I always say look there is historical evidence, they are called different things or maybe they didn’t have names for them. But there is an account of mental health, going back literally to the earliest bits of writing that we have, (sic),” Shaheen shared with Ananya.

También agregó que si la salud mental no fuera un problema, el medicamento no habría ayudado a las personas que sufren.

En el frente laboral, Shaheen Bhatt es la autora más vendida de I’ve Never Been (Un) Happier, que trata sobre su batalla de por vida contra la depresión y la ansiedad.

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