How many almonds should be eaten in a day? Know the right time and right way to eat them

Almonds For Brain: Eating almonds is considered good for the brain and health. By eating almonds, the development of the brain and the memory becomes strong. Eating almonds strengthens immunity. Eating almonds helps in reducing weight. The glycemic load of almonds is zero, due to which the digestive system becomes strong. Almond also helps in the development of the brain of children. By eating almonds daily, bones and teeth become strong. Know the benefits of eating almonds, the right time to eat almonds and how many almonds should be eaten in a day.

how many almonds to eat in 1 day
According to a research, a healthy person should eat 1 handful of almonds a day, that is, you can eat about 56 grams of almonds in a day. You can feed soaked 3-4 almonds a day to children older than 4 years.

best time to eat almonds
You can eat almonds at any time, but to get the full benefits, it is advised to eat almonds on an empty stomach in the morning. If you want, you can eat almonds even during tea. If you want to eat almonds in the evening snacks, then you can eat them.

right way to eat almonds
Almond is hot in effect, so it is advised to eat it soaked. You should eat soaked almonds especially in the summer and rainy season. You can eat almonds peeled or without peeling. You can also eat raw almonds in winters. This gives warmth to the body.

benefits of eating almonds
1- Eating almonds helps in boosting immunity. Almonds are rich in nutrients, which also protect against blood clotting in the body. A good amount of protein and iron is found in almonds.
2- By eating almonds, the body gets energy. It boosts the energy level in the body. Almonds are rich in vitamins and magnesium, which relieves fatigue.
3- The bones of people who eat almonds daily are also strong (Keeps Bone Healthy). Almonds are a good source of calcium and other essential nutrition. By eating almonds, the bones of children become strong.
4- Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamin K, vitamin E, protein, copper, fiber and zinc are also found in almonds.
5- By eating almonds, the brain development of children is accelerated. This increases the IQ level and helps in repairing brain cells. Eating almonds daily also increases the IQ level.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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