Control blood pressure with yoga, not medicine, do these 3 yogasanas daily

Yoga Poses For High Blood Pressure: Nowadays the number of blood pressure patients is increasing due to poor lifestyle and stress. People are becoming victims of high BP at a very young age. There can be many other reasons for having blood pressure disease. Blood pressure can be a problem due to increasing age, genetic reasons, kidney diseases, not being physically active, obesity and negligence in eating and drinking. Stress is becoming the cause of hypertension in youth. In such a situation, you need to pay a lot of attention to your routine. If you want, you can control high BP through workouts and yoga.

Control blood pressure with yoga
You can control high blood pressure through yoga. There are many such yogasanas, with the help of which you can control BP. You should take some time every day for your fitness and yoga. This will reduce your stress and tension and diseases will also be away. Patients with high blood pressure should do these 3 yogasanas.

1- Method of doing Virasana- To do this asana, sit on your knees on the ground and place your hands on your knees. Keep the hips between the heels. Keep in mind that the distance between the knees should not be too much. Now pull the navel inwards and stay in this posture for a while.

Benefits of Virasana- You do this easy daily. This yoga asana is good for people with high BP. This helps in controlling blood pressure and also reduces stress.

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2- The way of doing funeral- Lie on your back and close your eyes. Now spread your legs and relax the feet. Now keep both the hands on the side without touching the body. Spread the palms and bring the whole body in a relaxed position. You have to stay like this for 30 seconds while taking a deep breath.

Benefits of Shavasana- This helps in controlling blood pressure. The body is relaxed and stress is also reduced. The mind becomes calm by doing shavasana.

3- Method of doing Balasan- First of all, sit in the posture of Vajrasana and breathe slowly. Now take your hands above the head and while exhaling, bend forward. Rest your forehead on the ground and draw the breath in. Stay in this posture for 30 seconds.

Benefits of Balasan Doing Balasan helps in controlling high blood pressure. This relaxes the body and strengthens the spine. Due to this, the bone of the hips also becomes strong.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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