Mental health tips: 7 unique 1-minute self care tips

self care it is the act of giving yourself the time and attention you need to live well and improve both your physical and emotional Health. Self-care can help you better manage stress, reduce the chance of getting sick, and have more Energy. In our busy lives, we often don’t have time to practice self-care, but even modest self-care practices can make a significant difference in your life and the people around you. It is the practice of taking an active role in preserving or improving your health. Everyone’s definition of personal care is unique, so it’s critical to discover what they value and need. Finding what works best for you might take some trial and error. Although self-care can’t treat mental illness, it can help you manage it by helping you learn what triggers your mild symptoms and what coping mechanisms work best for you. (Also read: How to really practice self-care to improve your mental health, a psychologist offers advice )

“One of the key things to remember is that self-care is not something that you do once and check off your to-do list. We must continually take steps to take care of our well-being. Self-care is something that continually needs to be integrated into our daily lives. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the things you can do that take very little time and can be done anywhere,” says therapist Dr. Ketam Hamdan in her recent Instagram post.

Plus, she shared 7 unique self-care tips that are backed by science to boost your mood and boost your feel-good hormones and it only takes a minute.

  • Do something childish, silly for a minute. Stick your tongue out and be playful.
  • Look in the mirror and say 3 things you like about yourself.
  • Spend a minute saying a prayer of what you want or releasing your fears.
  • Smells something beautiful. For example, using a beautiful-smelling hand cream, lighting a scented candle, or smelling some fresh flowers.
  • Hug someone! An average hug is 6 seconds, try to hug longer to release feel-good hormones (oxytocin). Wrap your arms around your partner, friend, family member, or pet and give them a big hug.
  • Scan your body for one minute and notice what you are feeling in your body. Where are you tense? Where do you feel pain? What did you notice?
  • Close your eyes and spend 1 minute thinking and feeling like a past where you were very happy. Relive a happy memory from the past and cherish those moments.
  4 Self-care tips to boost your mental health

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