Moderate or vigorous exercise may reduce heart failure risk

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A recent analysis of 94,000 people in the UK Biobank found that moderate-intensity or vigorous exercise can reduce the risk of heart failure. Silke Woweries/Getty Images
  • Researchers gave participants in the UK an electronic device that tracked their exercise level and frequency for a week, in a large study of nearly 95,000 people.
  • The researchers then accessed the participants’ health records to see how their exercise data compared to any incident heart failure.
  • The researchers found that people who engaged in vigorous or moderate-intensity exercise had a reduced risk of heart failure.
  • The study is the first to use exercise data compiled by a device rather than relying on participants’ self-reported activity.

With heart disease being a leading cause of death, researchers are constantly looking for ways to reduce the chance that people will die from heart failure.

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association Circulation examined the benefits of moderate and vigorous exercise in reducing the risk of heart failure.

The cohort study is the first of its kind, as it used data from devices that measure physical activity levels and followed up within six years to check participants’ health status rather than relying on self-reports of physical activity. participants.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Heart disease is the leading cause of death for adults in the United States, surpassing cancer. Nearly 700,000 adults in the US die of heart disease each year, which is 1 out of 5 deceased.

Some heart diseases include coronary heart disease, heart failure, and heart valve disease. All of this can lead to cardiac arrest, which can be fatal.

the American Heart Association The AHA defines heart failure, which is the basis of the study, as “a chronic, progressive condition in which the heart muscle cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs for blood and oxygen.”

the AHA describes several factors that contribute to heart failure:

  • high blood cholesterol It can increase a person’s risk of heart failure by causing plaque to build up in the arteries, leading to a heart attack or stroke.
  • high blood pressure — hypertension can contribute to heart disease, and someone is considered in stage 1 hypertension when your systolic reading is between 130-139 and your diastolic reading is between 80-90.
  • Obesity and overweight: Being classified as overweight or having obesity can also raise the risk of heart failure.
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Certain hereditary factors can predispose someone to a higher risk of heart disease. For example, African Americans and Mexican Americans have a higher risk of heart disease.

the AHA recommends “at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity” to promote heart health.

The key to this study was to use objectively obtained data rather than relying on self-reported data by participants, which the authors mentioned is subject to auto-bias.

Approximately 94,000 people in the UK Biobank took part in the study and wore electronic devices that recorded their heart rate and activity levels for a week. At the time of the study, none of the participants, who had an average age of 56, had a history of cardiovascular disease.

Over six years, the study researchers accessed the activity information and health records of the participants to see what percentage of them had heart failure. The study compared participants who engaged in moderate or vigorous physical activity with those who engaged in minimal or no physical activity.

Adults who got between 150 and 300 minutes of moderate physical activity in the week using their tracking devices had a 63% lower risk of heart failure. Adults who engaged in 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous physical activity had a 66% reduced risk of heart failure.

“There are many potential ways that regular physical activity can reduce the risk of developing heart failure,” said the co-senior author. Prof. Frederick K. Hoprofessor of public health at the University of Glasgow in Scotland.

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“For example, physical activity helps prevent weight gain and related cardiometabolic conditions, such as high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, which are risk factors for heart failure,” he explained.

The authors note that the participants were from the UK Biobank, not from the general UK public. They say this is important as people with the UK Biobank tend to be more physically active.

Dr. Sandra ChaparroMedical Director of Advanced Heart Failure at Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute at Baptist Health, who was not involved in this study, spoke with Today’s medical news and noted a limitation of the study.

“Most of the patients were white, and the study does not provide a direct link between exercise and heart failure prevention,” he said. “However, it is a powerful data bank that highlights an important tool for lowering the risk of developing heart failure.”

The study findings emphasize the importance of incorporating activity into daily life. While some people may not be able to exercise as often as others, regular movement is important for heart health.

“These findings indicate that every physical movement counts. A leisurely 10-minute walk is better than sitting down and not doing any physical activity. And, if possible, try to walk a bit faster, which increases the intensity and potential benefits of exercise,” said Prof. Ho.

Examples of vigorous activities They include running, bicycling 10 mph or faster, swimming, and jumping rope.

Moderate-intensity activities include walking at 2.5 mph, gardening, and water aerobics.

“We should emphasize the importance of moderate exercise to prevent heart failure,” said Dr. Chaparro.

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Dr Majid Basitcardiologist at Memorial Hermann Medical Group in Houston, who was not involved in this study, also shared with MNT their recommendations for incorporating exercise into their lifestyles.

“I recommend that my patients engage in moderate-intensity exercise for at least 45 minutes a day most days of the week,” Dr. Basit said. “Although the study found 600 minutes per week to be optimal, most patients, especially older patients, cannot exercise at that level and would be deterred by a difficult goal to achieve.”

“Creating good exercise and diet habits early will lead to a longer and healthier life. Studies like this go a long way in validating the benefit of a well-rounded healthy lifestyle focused on exercise and nutrition.”
– Dr. Majid Basit

People trying to incorporate more physical activity can take small steps by taking the stairs instead of taking the elevator or parking further away while shopping. Taking small steps could eventually lead to incorporating more physical activity.

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