baby mouth ulcers

Mouth Ulcer In Babies: The problem of mouth ulcer can only be understood by those who have gone through this problem. Nothing is properly prepared in eating, neither in drinking nor in speaking. In such a situation, if this problem happens to the children (Mouth Ulcer In Babies), then even more parents become troubled. Yes, if the child has a problem of blisters in the mouth, then he is not able to tell this problem as well as he does not feel like eating or drinking anything. In such a situation, parents also panic. You don’t need to panic but you have to solve it. Today we are telling you some such home remedies, with the help of which you can get rid of this problem.

By the way, mouth ulcers in children can also be caused by stress, injury, lack of vitamins, minerals, body heat or food allergies. Let’s know about the remedies for these ulcers.

You can use honey for mouth ulcers. Keep applying it in any part of the mouth of the children where there are blisters. This will give relief in no time. Actually, the properties of antimicrobial are found in honey, so it helps in healing wounds quickly. Keep in mind that do not use this on a child under 1 year old.

With the help of coconut, children can also overcome the problem of blisters. You can let the child drink coconut water. Or you can ask the baby to gargle or gargle with coconut milk. Either you can also apply coconut oil on the blister area. You can also do this remedy on small children of 6 months.

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The good bacteria present in yogurt are considered to be a great remedy to destroy germs and eliminate fungal infections. You can ask children to consume sour curd or buttermilk or gargle with it.

Apply ghee on the blistered area 2 to 3 times a day, it will also give a lot of relief.

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