Eating these things after a meal does not cause flatulence

DIY Tips For Stomach Bloating: Flatulence after eating anything is a sign that your digestive system is weak and you need to work for it. Along with the ways to strengthen the digestive system, here you are also being told what to eat after eating food so that you do not have to face the problem of flatulence. Because people whose digestion is weak, they often have this problem that after eating anything, their stomach becomes bloated and heaviness starts…

Why does the stomach swell after eating food?

  • Drinking a lot of water with meals can cause flatulence.
  • Eating things that increase air during the night can cause flatulence and heaviness till the next day.
  • When the digestion of food is not done properly then this food becomes like a burden for the digestive system. Because the digestive system is slow and food for digestion
  • If there is more quantity then the pressure on the digestive system increases even more.
  • Due to the slow digestion, the gas formed during food digestion and the wastes that are excreted remain filled in the stomach and they take time to pass, this is also a reason for heaviness in the stomach.

What to eat to avoid flatulence?
Now the question arises that what should be done so that the problem of flatulence can be got rid of immediately. So you should consume the things mentioned here immediately after the meal.

  • One teaspoon fennel and half teaspoon sugar candy
  • Eat myrobalan pills. It makes the process of digestion easy.
  • Eat half a teaspoon of carom seeds with lukewarm water.
  • Chew 5 to 6 mint leaves with black salt and eat it after drinking lukewarm water.
  • Chew green cardamom after meals. If you do not get relief from one, then eat cardamom together. But do not eat more cardamom together than this, otherwise there may be other problems.

How to make the digestive system healthy?

There can be many reasons for the weakening of the digestive system, but today we have to talk about those measures, by which the digestive system can be made strong and fast.

  • Set bedtime and wake-up times. It has a very profound effect on digestion because by doing so the biological clock of the body can be set. That is, the body knows what to do when it is.
  • Get 8 hours of sleep everyday
  • Always keep dinner light and eat khichdi in it or eat khichdi every second or third day.
  • Do not drink water with food, if necessary, drink a little lukewarm water.
  • Consume milk at least two hours after having a meal.
  • Exercise daily, walk or do yoga.
  • Taking mental stress also causes upset stomach and weak digestion. Therefore, to avoid stress, do meditation i.e. meditation.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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