These 5 Kettlebell Moves Make it Easy for Older Adults to Build Total-Body Strength |

Using kettlebells in workouts is a safe way for older adults to strength train.

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Thomas Barwick/Stone/GettyImages

As we age, taking care of ourselves becomes essential, and a big part of that is exercise. Adults age 60 and older should try to make exercise a part of their daily and weekly routines, as it can delay the onset of common health problems. Exercise can also lower blood pressure, lower your risk of heart disease, help you sleep better, and improve balance.

It is enough to move the body regularly to feel the positive effects of exerciseBut if you’re ready to step up your training, building muscle strength is a great way to go. Weight training is one of the best ways to do this, and using kettlebells (or KB) is a safe and easy way to use weights.

Kettlebell exercises for older adults can increase muscle and bone density, improve grip strength, improve mental health, and boost confidence. Kettlebells are convenient, compact, and only require a little space, and the five moves below cover all major muscle groups to ensure you get the most out of your kettlebell workout.

It is important to follow the instructions to use kettlebells correctly. There are some safety precautions for older adults when exercising with kettlebells: if you’ve had heart problems, avoid overhead movements that would put pressure on your heart; If you’ve had problems with your wrists or knees, kettlebells may not be the right tool for you. And of course, you should always get medical clearance before starting any new exercise program.


Kettlebells are often labeled and sold in kilograms, so keep an eye on it to make sure you’re not lifting too heavy a weight. When beginning a kettlebell training program, the weight recommendation is 8 to 12 kilograms (or 17 to 26 pounds), but you may want to start even lighter depending on your fitness level.

1. Seated box/bench squat

Squats are a great lower body exercise to work almost all of your leg muscles. Adding a kettlebell helps focus your balance and keep your joints flexible. Using a seat as a target for your squat depth is a great way to get an idea of how low should you aim to go.

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  1. Find a sturdy surface (such as a chair, bench, or box) and stand in front of it.
  2. Hold your kettlebell by the handle or by the bell at chest height.
  3. Place your feet shoulder-width apart with your weight balanced on both feet.
  4. Keeping your chest up, push your hips back and down toward the chair or box as you shift your weight through your heels. Touch your buttocks to the chair or box.
  5. Press through your heels to return to standing.


As soon as you can squat below a depth where your hips are parallel to your knees or you’ve established good balance, you can progress this movement by getting off the bench.

2. Single leg bench/box squat

This single-leg squat takes the seated squat a step further by isolating each leg and building single-leg strength. Keeping your heel on the ground will help with balance and allow you to focus on using the correct muscles (you should really feel this in your quads, glutes, and hamstrings).

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  1. Stand in front of a bench or box. Extend your left leg and place your heel on the ground. (This will be the stationary leg.)
  2. Put your weight on your right leg and drive your hips toward your point of contact (box/bench). As you lower, bend your right leg to 90 degrees, with your knee in line with your toes. Your left leg, or stationary leg, remains straight.
  3. Once you touch the point of contact with your glutes, move your hips up and forward to finish. Repeat for 8 reps, then switch sides.
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To make this move work best for you, try lifting your leg off the ground (beginner), lowering the box (intermediate), or removing the box completely (advanced).

3. Row Lean Into KB Fly

Focusing on your upper and lower body is important for full body strength, and this move will help build your back and shoulder muscles. During the rowing motion, really focus on bringing your shoulders back. You want the backward pulling motion to come from the muscles around your shoulder blades.

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  1. Hold your kettlebell in your right hand and stand about two feet in front of your bench/box. Bend at the waist and knees and place your left hand on the bench/box so that you are standing on a table with your knees below your hips and your left wrist below your shoulder. Try to keep your back straight.
  2. With the kettlebell in your right hand, move your right shoulder away from your ear. Make sure to keep your elbow close to your body and pull your right elbow back.
  3. Finish the incline row by fully extending your arm straight down. Then complete the fly: Keeping your right arm straight, move your arm laterally away from your body until your hand is in line with your shoulder.
  4. Drop your arm to your side and repeat 8 times before switching sides.


To make this exercise easier, you can start with a staggered stance and divide the exercises into two parts. If you want a challenge, look for the time with 30 seconds on each side.

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The goal of the intensely dubbed “skull crusher” movement is to work the triceps, a typically weak muscle. Make sure to start with lower weights and work up to it; you might be surprised at how fatigued your triceps feel after a few reps.

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  1. Lie on your back on your bench or on the floor.
  2. Hold the kettlebell by its bell.
  3. Keeping your arms straight across your chest, bend only at the elbows.
  4. Pull the kettlebell toward your forehead.
  5. Press the kettlebell up once your elbows reach 90 degrees.

5. Reverse lunge press from knees up

This is the most advanced of these KB exercises. We are working on mobility, power and balance. By itself, it’s a full-body movement: You’ll feel the pressure of the kettlebell on your shoulders and the lunge at your quads and hips.

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  1. Start by holding the KB bell at chest level.
  2. Step your left foot back about three feet, bending both knees to 90 degrees as you bring your left knee down. You don’t need to touch the ground with your left knee, but the closer you get, the more effective this move will be.
  3. As you go back and down, push the kettlebell overhead simultaneously.
  4. Pushing off your right leg, bring your left leg forward and up. Your left knee should end towards your chest. Hold for 1-2 seconds to establish balance. That is a repetition.
  5. Repeat 8 times before switching legs.


To make this exercise easier, break it into two separate parts. First of all, work on the mobility of reverse lunge. Once you feel strong, work on knee drive.

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