5 Foods No One Should Be Eating Anymore Because They Cause Visceral Fat

Another name for visceral fat is “hidden fat,” and it refers to the type of fat that is stored within the abdomen and around the organs, Lisa Richards, certified nutritional coach and creator of The candida diet Explain. Unlike subcutaneous fat, the kind of fat you can see and feel, visceral fat can produce chemicals and hormones that can be dangerous and “put these people at higher risk for serious health problems.” Oh!

Both prolonged calorie consumption and lack of physical activity contribute to visceral fat. Therefore, any food can lead to visceral fat if the individual eats enough of it. But experts like Richards warn that certain foods do pose a higher risk: calorie-dense foods.

“These foods provide little nutrition and are mostly processed starches and calories,” says Richards. Cakes, convenience foods, fast food, and French fries are among the examples of these foods.

“Simple sugars, table sugars, or processed sugars are stored in fat,” says Dr. Amy Lee, a board-certified doctor of internal medicine, medical nutrition, and obesity medicine and a partner at nucific, advise. In the food industry, there are more than 30 different ways of naming sugar as an ingredient, so brands can sneak it in without the consumer noticing.

“We may find ourselves eating more and more of these types of foods due to the addictive nature of sugar,” he warns. “Mix that with a sedentary lifestyle, and the body is programmed to ‘store’ sugars as fat instead of spending them, hence the increase in visceral fat.

“Visceral fat is a dangerous form of body fat, particularly as it often goes unnoticed and forms around organs deep below the skin,” said registered dietitian Trista Best of balance one do you agree

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“This type of fat has multiple causes outside of dietary habits, but diet certainly plays a role,” he agrees. The foods that contribute the most to visceral fat are those that are high in calories and low in nutritional value.

So what are specific examples of these high-calorie foods?

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processed sugar or white sugar

refined white sugar It is one of the most common causes of weight gain. It’s high in calories and spikes blood sugar, experts warn.

White Refined Flour

“Refined wheat, also known as white flour, contains no nutrients and leaves your body hungrier than when you sat down to eat,” says Naturopathic Physician Dr. Marizelle Arce. Tell us.

Fruit Smoothies With Added Sugars

“Pre-made shakes are often high in sugar, even though labels say they don’t contain added sugar,” Amy Spindel, BCHN health professional, Food With Thought. Tell us.

“For example, a premedicated shake can contain the equivalent amount of sugar in an individual bottle of Coke, both measuring a staggering 14 teaspoons!” Say it isn’t!

Salty Potato Chips

“Potato chips are traditionally processed and fried with added sodium or artificial flavors,” explains Best. “The consumer may also use high-fat sauces or cheeses when eating them and are likely to mindlessly eat them without realizing the amount.”

“If you eat some fries, the calories don’t really increase your waistline,” explains Dr. Lee. But we can’t eat just one, because they are delicious, and because of the added salt, our mouths feel dry and dehydrated. “The sensation of thirst and food cravings are quite similar psychologically, so many people do not drink a bottle of water to quench their thirst, but instead eat more food and therefore can store calories,” he explains.

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Drinks with alcohol

Beverages like soda, beer, wine, and hard liquor can also be to blame, Dr. Lee warns.

“If you look at the caloric density of a serving of alcohol, the calories range from 70 to 160 calories, which is actually not that high. But what happens when we put alcohol in the body, the immune system kicks in to try to get rid of it. of it entirely, slowing down other metabolic pathways (such as calorie burning).”

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