Is it safe to have sex during chemotherapy? Know the answer to this question here

Chemotherapy And Relationship: Cancer is becoming a common disease in today’s time. As fast as cancer patients have increased and the way cancer hospitals are getting crowded, the situation is very frightening. Cancer is rapidly taking its grip not only to older people but from young children to young people. However, the treatment of cancer depends on what kind of cancer it is, in which part of the body and at which stage it is. If cancer is detected at the primary stage, it can be cured through medicines and surgery. But if cancer is detected late, chemotherapy is the only cure for it.

Cancer cells are dried through chemotherapy. There are different types of chemo. But their work is the same. Cancer is completely cured through chemo. However, once again this depends on the type of cancer and the condition of the patient. The latest chemotherapy has become much more advanced than before and now the problem of hair loss or vomiting during chemo is not the same as before.

chemotherapy and sex

When a person is undergoing chemotherapy, it obviously has an effect on his sex life as well. Because during this time the person is taking too many medicines and there is a lot of weakness in his body. But now the question arises that if a person wants to enjoy his bedroom life, is it possible during chemo? Because the treatment with chemo does not last for a day or two, but it takes about a year to have 7 to 8 chemo with a gap of one to one and a half months.

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So the answer is that sex life can be enjoyed during chemo. It does not have any side effects. But due to the weakening of the body, there is always a risk of many types of infection. So some special things must be kept in mind…

  • Do talk to your doctor about this and take any action only after talking. Because chemotherapy is a very sensitive treatment, the situation in each patient is different. Hence no suggestion can be made in-gen.
  • If you know that at this time the number of white blood cells in your body is low, then sex should be avoided. Because this greatly increases the risk of infection.
  • The platelet count often drops during chemo. Sex should be avoided when the platelet count is low. Because in this situation there is a risk of bleeding.

pain problem
As mentioned above, the body is very weak during chemo. In such a situation, there may be a problem of pain in the private parts while having sex. If so, then sex should be avoided.

avoid pregnancy
While having sex during chemo, use preventive especially condoms. Because if pregnancy occurs during this time, then the child to be born suffers from some or the other disorders since birth.

genital cancer
If someone has cancer of the genital or rectum, then having sex should be completely avoided. In this situation your partner needs your love and belonging. Talking to her about sex or expressing desire would be like giving her emotional pain.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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