Let’s Stop Thinking White Rice Is Unhealthy

There are some foods, like wonderful avocados Y crisp kale, which are widely lauded as nutritional gold mines. Then there are the plant-based foods that are more open to debate, such as everyone’s favorite fries and pickles. (For the record, both boast their own nutritional benefits.)

White rice is another that many see as unhealthy, despite being one of the most consumed foods in the world. In fact, white rice is a staple food in Okinawa, Japan, which is known as Blue Zone because its inhabitants regularly live more than 100 years in good health.

“Rice is a staple in diets around the world and provides a rich source of carbohydrates, which is the body’s primary fuel,” says Stefani Sassos, MS, RDN, CDN, deputy director of nutrition at the Good Housekeeping Institute.

Cindy Chou, chef and registered dietitian at kitchen sound Y Cancer Nutrition in a Bowl, says that many people in the US overlook the nutritional benefits of white rice. “Nutritional recommendations in the US have been mostly Eurocentric and don’t take into account the cultural significance of foods like white rice,” she says. “Not only is it a staple in many different cultures, but it is also enjoyed in combination with a source of protein and vegetables.”

Are you already starting to think about white rice in a new way? Read on to learn exactly how eating it can benefit the body and how it compares to brown rice.

White Rice Nutritional Statistics

According to the United States Department of AgricultureHere’s what you’ll get per 1-cup serving of white rice:

  • 205 calories
  • 4g protein
  • 0.4g total fat
  • 44g carbs
  • 0.6g fiber
  • 16mg calcium
  • 2 milligrams of iron
  • 19mg magnesium
  • 68 mg of phosphorus
  • 55mg potassium

Health benefits of white rice


1. Helps provide energy to the body.

One of the reasons many may view white rice as an unhealthy food is because of its carbohydrate content. Chou offers this wake-up call: The carbohydrates in white rice are exactly one of the reasons why it is a healthy food. “Carbohydrates also provide energy for other cells in our bodies, including muscles,” he says. “Our bodies break down carbohydrates, like rice, into glucose, which is the preferred energy source for the brain.”

In addition to carbohydrates, Chou notes that white rice contains some protein, another nutrient that provides the body with energy. In this way, eating it can help energize the body in not one, but two ways.

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2. Supports brain health.

Chou says that white rice also has B vitamins, which are key to brain health. B vitamins are linked to supporting cognitive health and reducing Chronic inflamation in the brain.

3. It could improve your mood.

What we eat has the potential to directly affect our mood. The B vitamins and folate in white rice. both are linked to reduced risk of depression. The fact that white rice is comforting to eat, soaking up all the delicious flavors it’s paired with, could certainly lift your mood too.

4. It is the perfect vehicle for eating other nutrient-dense foods.

“Also often overlooked is the fact that white rice is often enjoyed with protein and vegetables,” says Chou. For example, if you use white rice to make a stir fry with chicken, bok choy and red bell peppers, you’ll get plenty of glorious protein and gut-healthy fiber. And let’s be honest, the dish could be a lot less appealing without the rice.

“Some of the misconceptions about white rice being ‘less healthy’ are just seeing it as a stand-alone ingredient, not how it’s used in daily life. Instead of focusing on the specific nutrients in an ingredient, it’s more helpful to consider a recipe or meal as a whole,” says Chou.

5. Supports cellular health.

Another often-overlooked nutrient Chou notes that white rice has is phosphorus. Match It is important for cellular health, as it helps to grow new cells, as well as maintain and repair existing cells. If the cells of the body are not in top shape, the body will not function properly, which is why this nutrient is so important.

6. It is good for the bones.

Keeping the body’s cells in good shape isn’t the only hat phosphorus wears; it is also a key nutrient for bone health. So is calcium, another nutrient you’ll find in white rice. This is another overlooked health benefit of white rice.

Are there any downsides to eating white rice?

It’s clear that white rice has many health benefits, but white rice has a high glycemic index, which means it can cause blood sugar spikes. This means that people with type 2 diabetes should be mindful of their consumption of white rice.

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“People with type 2 diabetes or concerns with blood sugar levels can still enjoy white rice by including a source of protein, fat, and fiber,” says Chou, adding that if you are concerned, it is always best to speak with your health care provider first. . “Incorporating a source of protein and vegetables will help with a more gradual rise in blood glucose levels,” she says.

In general, Chou sees no downside to eating white rice. “It’s usually more affordable, has a longer shelf life, cooks faster, is easily digested and comforting to eat,” she says.

Is it okay to eat white rice every day?

Sassos says that white rice readily absorbs arsenic from its growing environment more than other foods. “Arsenic is found in two forms, organic and inorganic, and is a natural element found in water and soil according to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences,” she explains. “Arsenic is a known human carcinogen and can be harmful when consumed in excessive amounts. If you are eating rice every day in significant amounts, the arsenic content may pose a health risk.”

If you’re concerned about arsenic exposure, Sassos says you can reduce the arsenic content in rice by first washing it and then cooking it with clean, low-arsenic water. “As long as you eat rice in moderation, no more than a few times a week, and wash it before cooking, it should be perfectly safe to consume,” she says.

How does white rice compare to brown rice?

First, it is important to know exactly how they are different. “Brown rice contains all three parts of the grain kernel and is considered a whole grain. White rice differs from brown rice in that the bran and germ are removed,” says Sassos. He also explains that white rice is generally enriched, meaning it has added nutrients, so it’s not necessarily less nutritious than brown rice.

Sassos points to two benefits brown rice has over white rice: It’s slightly higher in fiber and it has a lower glycemic index, meaning it won’t spike blood sugar levels as much.

“Comparing white rice to brown rice alone, white rice has slightly less fiber and nutrients overall,” says Chou. But she emphasizes that this does not mean that one is healthier than the other. “Since rice is usually combined with other foods, the difference in nutrients as a whole is negligible,” she says. His advice on which one to choose is to choose the one you like best. “Those who enjoy the taste and texture of brown rice more than white rice or have a need to increase their fiber intake beyond adding more fruits and vegetables to their meals may benefit from eating [brown rice instead of white rice],” she says. “But, in general, I don’t see any benefit in replacing white rice, especially if it’s what you grew up eating.”

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It is also useful to note that there many other varieties of rice beyond white and brown. For example, Sassos says that wild rice (which is actually a type of aquatic grass) is slightly higher in protein than other types of rice, and has up to 30 times the amount of antioxidants that has white rice. It just goes to show that cooking with different types of rice not only adds variety to the flavor of your meals, but also provides a wider range of nutrients.

Bottom line: Is white rice healthy for you?

With all of this in mind, consider that the debate over whether white rice is healthy is officially settled. White rice has many health benefits and minimal drawbacks. White rice is not usually eaten on its own and is often combined with other nutrient-dense foods, such as lean sources of protein and vegetables, making it a great vehicle for incorporating nutritious foods into a balanced diet.

preview of How to make rice in a rice cooker

Emily is a freelance writer and certified health coach who specializes in writing on mental health, fitness, healthy eating, and social justice topics. Emily spent six years as an editor and writer at Well+Good, covering everything from food trends to serious topics like America’s opioid crisis and gun violence. She has also worked on seventeen, sheY Turn magazines He writes regularly for publications such as Forbes, parade, Formand The Huffington Post. Emily lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with her cat Evie.

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