Gram benefits for Health: Best way to eat gram, know when, how and which gram to eat

Best way to eat gram: You can call gram the king of pulses. We are talking about desi gram here, which you include in your food in many ways. For example, green gram is eaten as a vegetable. Cooked black gram is boiled and eaten in breakfast or sprouts and this gram is roasted and eaten as snacks. We are calling gram the king of pulses because according to the research done on all the types of pulses Indian people eat, so far it has come to the fore that gram contains many times more protein than all pulses.

Protein i.e. meat element, without which the human body can neither develop nor can it function in daily life. Most people know that gram is beneficial for health. But if you do not choose the right form of gram according to the needs of your body, then gram can harm instead of benefit. It is being told here that in what form you should eat gram based on the symptoms of your body so that you only get its properties, there is no harm in eating it.

Which person should eat what kind of gram?
Talking about the importance of gram, Ayurvedic physician Vaidya Surendra Singh Rajput says that ‘if a person has a problem of inflammation in the body, then he should eat roasted gram. But if a person has more dryness in his body then he should eat boiled gram. If you do not follow this sequence and eat boiled gram when there is swelling in the body and eat roasted gram when there is dryness, then your problem may increase.

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How does gram affect the body?
According to ayurveda, people who have the problem of inflammation in the body or due to any reason there is a problem of swelling on the face, swelling on other parts of the body, if they use desi gram in the form of boiled stem or sprouts. So inflammation in their body can increase. There are many medical reasons for this problem. These people should always eat roasted gram. It also helps in controlling inflammation.

Similarly, people who have very dry skin, are troubled by dryness all the time, there is a problem of lack of water in the body, lack of hydration, these people should not consume roasted gram. Doing so can make the problem worse. They should be eaten by boiling desi gram or by making these sprouts. This will give them more benefit and the disease will also be cured soon. Because boiled gram increases hydration in the body.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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