Why did Raju Srivastava feel like this after the heart attack? You should also keep these important things in mind

Raju Srivastav Death: The king of comedy and the king of laughter who ruled our hearts for years and years, has become silent forever. Famous comedian Raju Srivastav lost the battle of life in AIIMS today after a heart attack. Raju Srivastava remained in the hospital for a total of 42 days. In between, he did regain some senses but mostly he remained on ventilator. Raju Srivastava was just 58 years old. Raju used to do gym and stay fit. Here when he got a heart attack, he was doing gym. But the question is what are those reasons, due to which the condition of Raju Srivastava has become so serious.

The team of four doctors was engaged for him.
Raju Srivastava was treated for a long time in AIIMS. He remained on ventilator in ICU. The big doctors of Delhi AIIMS could not bring him to his senses. According to doctors, his brain had stopped responding.

Why is the condition serious when a heart attack occurs?
Heart attack is dangerous but it can be prevented. In this regard, Dr. Vimal Kumar of Chitranj Hospital says that the ‘Golden Hour’ is the most important when a heart attack comes. This is the first most important hour of the time of any accident or heart attack. At the time when the heart attack comes, the person should get treatment immediately.

major cause of brain injury
AIIMS doctors told that when Raju Srivastava suffered a heart attack, the blood supply to his brain was interrupted for 3 to 4 minutes. Due to this, there was a lack of oxygen in Raju’s brain and he came under brain injury. It was also confirmed in MRI that he suffered brain injury due to heart attack. Dr. Vimal says that it takes a long time to recover from brain injury. Because of this, Raju also went into a coma and eventually lost the battle of life.

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What to do in case of heart attack

  • If you have Disprin, Ecosprin or Aspirin, you can give it to the patient. This thins the blood and they prove to be helpful to some extent.
  • Give CPR
  • immediately take to the nearest hospital

Raju Srivastava Death: Laughing cry, Raju Srivastava fought for 42 days, took his last breath at the age of 58 in AIIMS, Delhi

Raju Srivastava Death: Akhilesh Yadav expressed grief over the death of Raju Srivastava, said- such skills are rarely born

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