The Top Bladder Health Foods 2 Urologists Always Eat| Well+Good

TOAside from those instances when you remind yourself *not* to drink a whole Diet Coke before bed (knowing you’ll wake up at 2am with an urgent need to urinate) or when you have a urinary tract infection and run the grocery store cranberry juice, you may not think much of how what you eat and drink affects your bladder.

There are, however, a lot of reason to consider your bladder and well-being when you’re planning meals. “Regularly neglecting bladder health and maintenance can lead to bladder inflammation and disease over time, as well as some more immediate and unwanted side effects, such as urinary frequency and pelvic pain, among others,” he says. S. Adam Ramin, MD, urologist and medical director of Urology Cancer Specialists in Los Angeles. “The inner lining of the bladder wall, known as the mucosa, is very sensitive to certain chemicals. Irritants can lead to inflammation of the bladder, known as cystitis, which then causes urinary symptoms including urinary frequency, urgency, a burning sensation when urinating, nighttime urination, pelvic pain, and incontinence.

These chemical irritants enter the body through food, which is why the the foods and drinks you consume can improve or hinder bladder health. Once metabolized by the liver in the gastrointestinal tract, these food and beverage by-products enter the bloodstream and are filtered through the renal system before being eliminated through the urine. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind, according to the urologist: If they’re not good for your bladder, they won’t feel good when you pee on them.

The best and worst foods for bladder health, according to a urologist

Not everyone has a sensitive bladder, but for many, being aware of eating and drinking habits that help or hurt your bladder can make a significant difference in your overall well-being (and, honestly, sanity). This is because certain foods are known to irritate the bladder, while others are better tolerated.

“In general, acidic foods, caffeinated beverages, and alcohol tend to cause bladder irritation,” he says. Mehran Movassaghi, MD, urologist and director of Men’s Health at Providence Saint John’s Health Center and assistant professor of urology at Saint John’s Cancer Institute. “This can include urgency, urinary frequency, and a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying.” Some more foods that Dr. Ramin says often cause urinary irritation are coffee, black tea, spicy foods, fried foods, and processed foods, especially those that contain a lot of sugar, salt, or preservatives. For example, packaged cakes or frozen meals that contain saturated fat can cause inflammation.

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In contrast, foods that promote bladder health tend to be high in water content, more alkaline than acidic, and high in antioxidants to reduce inflammation in the body; fruits and vegetables are a great example. A good rule of thumb, according to Dr. Movassaghi, is to include green leafy vegetables or fresh fruit in as many meals and snacks as possible, and fill your plate to eat multiple servings a day. Garlic, eggs, fish, nuts, and potatoes are some other bladder health foods to stock up on, says Dr. Movassaghi.

And most importantly, your body needs water to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water (and eating foods that are high in water content) is also key to urinary health. “Drinking one to two liters of water a day can help to dilute any irritants in the foods or drinks that are consumed. This is especially important for those who have a sensitive bladder,” explains Dr. Movassaghi. He adds that these numbers can change if you have an active lifestyle and sweat frequently. “Water intake prevents constipation, and hard stools and full intestines can lead to a blockage in the pelvis, which puts pressure on the bladder,” says Dr. Movassaghi. This means that high-fiber foods that contain a lot of water (such as fresh fruits and vegetables) help prevent constipation. Y bladder irritation

What Urologists Eat Regularly to Maintain Optimal Bladder Health

Both urologists maintain a diet packed with fruits and vegetables, healthy fats like nuts and olive oil, whole grains, lean protein, and fatty fish. And go with fresh over processed, when possible. Read below for more details on urologists’ favorite bladder-healthy foods.

For breakfast:

Their breakfasts are nutrient-dense: think eggs on whole-grain toast, fresh fruit smoothies, Greek yogurt, and smoked salmon with avocado and cucumber slices.

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“I love bananas, which are high in magnesium and potassium to support normal bowel function,” says Dr. Mohavagghasi. “I also eat nuts, berries, and eggs every day, and I always have fresh berries with no added sugar.” She recommends eating them plain or mixing them with unsweetened yogurt that contains probiotics for the bladder, such as Greek yogurt or skyr.

Eggs served on whole-grain toast with mashed avocado or as an omelet or frittata on a bed of vegetables and roasted potatoes are also great for the bladder. Dr. Mohavaghassi also spreads nut butter on whole-grain toast with sliced ​​bananas and chia seeds, or blends banana with berries, greens, and creamy avocado for a portable breakfast on the go.

For lunch:

Dr. Ramin likes to eat protein salads that include a variety of fruits and vegetables for antioxidant benefits. “My best choices for protein sources are grilled or baked hormone-free chicken, baked salmon, or seared Ahi tuna,” says Dr. Ramin. These are healthier than proteins with higher levels of saturated fat, such as red meat or fried chicken. “I recommend eating red meat in moderation to avoid increasing your risk of heart disease and high cholesterol,” he adds.

As for garnishes, choose a variety of vegetables: red, yellow, green, orange, and white fruits and vegetables all have a place on the plate. “Green leafy vegetables, bell peppers, cauliflower, cabbage, and berries all have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties,” says Dr. Ramin. He also recommends including avocados and olive oil for healthy fats. “I love a base of greens — lettuce, spinach, kale, or arugula — and mix in a serving of grains for texture and nutrients,” says Dr. Ramin, calling couscous and quinoa two favorites.

You can also use nuts, seeds, and berries as salad ingredients, all of which offer bladder-supporting properties, especially blueberries. Almonds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, and cashews are good sources of unsaturated fats and/or omega-3 fatty acids.

For dinner:

For dinner, the two urologists love to eat chicken breast, tofu, and fish, along with a side of whole grains and vegetables (or two) to add protein and fiber, which can come from starch and plenty of vegetables. Salads, cereal bowls, and tacos are delicious examples. They recommend accompanying the tofu with a side of sautéed vegetables and garlic, which is a natural antibiotic and good for the bladder. (And feel free to swap out the tofu for turkey breast, chicken, salmon, ahi tuna, halibut, or beans.)

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A baked sweet potato is one of Dr. Mohavaghassi’s favorite side dishes: It’s a vehicle for protein, fiber, and potassium for electrolyte benefits, making it a good suggestion for a bladder-healthy dinner, especially after exercise. Try filling it with vegetables, cheese and legumes.

For sandwiches:

Keep these simple and nutritious. “I love eating unsalted almonds and hard-boiled eggs,” says Dr. Mohavaghassi, as they are high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. “Keeping the fat content low minimizes irritation to the intestines and bladder,” he says. Other ideas include egg cups filled with veggies and cheese, avocado or hummus on toast, homemade trail mix, or kale chips with nutritional yeast and garlic powder.

Bladder Health Tips (Beyond Diet)

In addition to eating nutrient-dense foods that don’t irritate the bladder, lifestyle habits can also keep urinary inflammation down. Such habits include urinating as soon as possible when needed and not holding back. “Urinating within 30 minutes of the urge is ideal,” says Dr. Ramin. Also, look at the color of your urine, as it is a good indicator of hydration levels. “A good light to light yellow is perfect, as the darker the color of your urine, the more dehydrated your body is.”

Finally, try incorporating Kegel exercises into your exercise routine. According to Dr. Ramin, the ideal is to squeeze the muscles around the urethra and hold them for five seconds per interval. “I recommend doing this at least 20 times a day,” he says. “This will help not only with overactive bladder symptoms, but also prevent incontinence.”

Lastly, ditch the cigarettes (duh), as chemicals found in cigarette smoke increase your risk of bladder cancer.

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