We Asked People in Their 90s to Share Their Longevity Secrets

There are a handful of regions around the world where people typically live to be 100 years old or more, where age-related diseases are less common and where they are healthy, unprocessed food they are easy and easily accessible. Unfortunately, in a place like the United States, where processed foods are more prevalent and many people lead more sedentary lifestyles, these longevity benefits are almost unheard of.

But while longevity is not as pronounced in this part of the world as it is in areas like the so-called blue zonesThere are still people who have defied the odds and live well into their 80s, 90s, and even 100+ years. Fortunately, we had the privilege of speaking with three people in their 90s to learn more about the secrets to their longevity.

We talked to Margaret A. (age 93), Nana Pasqualina (age 96), and Phillip H. (age 91) about the things they think have contributed to a long and healthy life.. Read on and for more health tips check out The best eating habits of the oldest people.

Family dinner

Nana Pasqualina is 96 years old and she attributes her long life to spend a lot of time with his family. “It is for my grandchildren. I lost my husband years ago, so I have lived with my son and daughter-in-law for over 30 years. At that time my grandchildren were born and it gives me joy to see them every day. I always ask about them. They are the loves of my life, they are my world,” he says.

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Pascualina’s granddaughter, Kayla (a writer in Eat this, not that!), has always noted her grandmother’s love for her family. “Even though her age gets the best of her sometimes, she forever asks about her grandkids (me and my brother),” Kayla says. “No matter where we are or what we’re doing, she’ll see us and act so surprised and happy, like she hasn’t seen us in years. “

mature couple power walkingmature couple power walking

Phillip H. is a healthy 91-year-old who says he “plans to be 110.” And one of his main longevity secrets? He says that the reason he has come this far is that he “never stops moving”.

“I still walk almost every morningsays Phillip. “And if my body doesn’t feel like moving that much that day, I’ll take a dip in the pool. I know I’ll keep moving my body until I can’t anymore.”

This longevity secret is also popular all over the world. In many Blue Zone regions, centenarians attribute their health to natural movement such as walking or gardening. In Okinawa, Japan, the act of sitting on the floor and standing up several times a day also contributes to its longevity.

wine and cookingwine and cooking

Although Phillip is dedicated to his routine and rarely breaks his movement habits, he also believes in enjoying the pleasures of life. “Eating healthy when you can is important, but I think everyone should enjoy the little things that make you happy. Go out, drink that wine, eat that cupcake, and have sex with the person you love.”

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eating chocolateeating chocolate

Along the same lines as Phillip’s advice to enjoy what you find pleasurable, Margaret A., 93, believes in indulging in your favorite foods. According to Margaret’s daughter, Susan, Margaret has always had a sweet tooth and it seems that she “never says no to a handful of M&M’s or a candy bar”.

Margaret is not the only person who has enjoyed sweets as she has aged. The oldest woman in the world calm jeannehe ate almost two pounds of chocolate every week until he passed away at 122 years old.

woman eatingwoman eating

Margaret’s daughter, Susan, says that although her mother has always indulged in whatever sweets she wants, she never goes overboard with the amount of food she eats. “My mom eats very average sized meals and she’s always amazed at how big the portions are at restaurants.”

This is similar to many of the ways that people in the Blue Zone regions approach food. In Loma Linda, California, the only Blue Zone in the United States, people usually have their largest meal in the morning, but eat smaller meals later in the day. In Okinawa, Japan, people often practice the 80/20 rulemeaning they only eat until they are 80% full.

In fact, while the quality of your diet is still absolutely important, the American Heart Association recently said that controlling calories and portion sizes is crucial for reducing the risk of heart disease.

mature man reading a book outdoors, demonstrating how to keep your brain youngmature man reading a book outdoors, demonstrating how to keep your brain young

And finally, Margaret A.’s daughter points out that her mother reads every morning and night and does a crossword puzzle several times a week. “I’ve noticed that my mom never stops wanting to learn. She reads a lot of mysteries, but she’s also always full of history books. And I don’t think she’s ever skipped a week of crossword puzzles.”

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As you can see, many of the longevity secrets shared with us have to do with enjoying life to the fullest. Indulging yourself, enjoying yourself, strolling and spending time with loved ones have a lot to do with living a longer life.

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