Petroleum jelly is used a lot in winter, know when it can cause harm

Petroleum jelly Benefits and safety: Soon petroleum jelly will be visible in every house because winter is about to come. Anyway, this is one such cosmetic product, which everyone uses in winters. Petroleum jelly is a mixture of mineral oils and wax. It not only protects the skin from cracking but also prevents dullness. Most people use it only to protect their lips from cracking or to apply it as a moisturizer on the skin. But it can be used in many other ways…

prevent cracking of heels
Just like you apply petroleum jelly on your lips at least twice a day, in the same way you can apply it on your ankles after taking bath in the morning and before sleeping at night. This will also protect your heels from cracking and will also help keep them pink.

put on the burn
If the skin gets burnt due to any reason, then often people do not understand what to do or what to apply so that the burn marks do not remain on the skin for a long time. For this, you can start applying petroleum jelly on the burnt skin from the time when the red crust starts coming. Due to this, this scab will soften and fall off, along with the skin that comes from inside, there will be no deep marks on it. But it would not be wise to use it immediately on a burn.

for little kids

Diapers are worn to protect young children from getting wet. Because of these diapers, many times children have the problem of rashes. To avoid these, you can use petroleum jelly on the skin of children.

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How does petroleum jelly harm?

  • People with very sensitive skin may have problems with petroleum jelly. If your skin is very sensitive then you may have an allergic problem with it. Therefore, whenever you use petroleum jelly, do a patch test first. That is, try applying it on the inner part of your wrist or the upper part of your hand. Use it only if there is no problem in 30 to 45 minutes.
  • Due to the oil and wax in petroleum jelly, this fine dust attracts the particles very quickly. Therefore, you must take care of the cleanliness and hygiene related to it. Keep cleaning its jar and cap from time to time.
  • Some people also use petroleum jelly for lubrication while being intimate. If you do not do this, then it is better for your health, otherwise there may be problems of irritation and infection. Also take care of hygiene.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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