What is the relationship between Khosta-2 and Kovid-19, why are scientists warning

Khosta-2 Virus connection with Covid-19: Sometimes in the form of SARS, sometimes Mars and sometimes in the form of Kovid-19, the viruses of the Corona family have been scaring the world at different times. Now another virus of this family has come to the fore, the name is Khosta-2. Experts first came to know about this virus in 2020 but at that time it did not seem dangerous to humans. But in the latest research, its frightening effects have come to the fore. Research has shown that Khosta-2 also attacks the human body in the same way as Kovid-19 of corona virus or other virus. What is the way of spreading their infection, know here …

How does corona virus spread infection?

Based on the different research done so far, it is clear that viruses of the corona family enter the body only through the nose or mouth. In some cases, infection through eyes was also reported, but these are very rare cases and they were not fully confirmed. After entering the body through the breath, the corona virus first tries to connect with the cells of the human body through its spikes. Their spikes are made of a special type of protein and the shape of their spikes can be different according to the virus. The front part of the spike of Kovid-19 acts like a hook, which grabs the skin cells. Their attack is so fast to make bonds with skin cells that most of the cells die or infection spreads in them.

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Make your copies fast

Along with killing and damaging skin cells, the corona virus also keeps making copies of itself. That is, if only one virus has entered inside the body, then it will make so many copies within a few hours or days that it will spread throughout the body. In this way the internal cells of the whole body become vulnerable to the virus.

direct attack on immunity

  • In most cases of corona virus, the body’s immunity also weakens. Because almost all viruses of the corona family directly attack immunity. They go on damaging the cells of the body so fast that most of the main organs of the body are not able to do their work properly.
  • For example, if the body does not get full oxygen through the lungs, then its direct effect will be on the blood supply.
  • When the blood does not circulate properly, organs like digestive system, kidney and liver cannot do their work properly.
  • Due to the attack of these viruses, the smell and test are lost, the ability to hear is affected and the body becomes so weak that even the eyes cannot open. In such a situation, when the senses are not able to do their work properly, then there is an effect on the brain and the mechanism of the whole body gets disturbed.
  • The weakening of immunity and the deterioration of the body mechanism is a major reason why recovery after corona infection takes a long time.

These are also members of the same family
Viruses like SARS-Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and Mars (MARS-Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus) also scared the world in the same way as Kovid-19 scared the world. Initially, corona was also treated with medicines of these diseases. After Kovid-19, again its different variants appeared, such as- Delta, omicron And so on. This happens due to mutation. Because as the body starts fighting the virus and killing it with the help of medicines, in the same way the virus also keeps making some changes in itself to protect itself.

There is a special relationship with bats

More than 100 viruses survive on bats at the same time. But still nothing happens to it. Not only this, in some countries bats are eaten and its soup is also drunk. But the connection of Kovid-19 was also found from bats and now the danger of Khosta-2 is also coming out from bats.

Disclaimer: The information given here is based on media reports. Before taking any kind of treatment/medication/diet, please consult your doctor.

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