The Mental Health Benefits Of Golf As You Age

Playing golf is associated with better physical health and mental well-being, and potentially contributes to a longer life expectancy, according to a study in the Golf Science Journal. Explore the various science-backed mental benefits of playing golf below.

Relief of anxiety and depression

Exercise is a proven way to alleviate some mental and emotional problems. A 2017 review of studies in Maturitas: an international journal on the health of midlife and beyond showed that exercise relieves symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression.

“We know from several studies that even mild exercise like walking 30 minutes three times a week can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety,” says Sheenie Ambardar, MD, a Los Angeles psychiatrist who works with older adults. “In addition, being outdoors while playing golf exposes people to natural light, which helps maintain a regular circadian rhythm and aids in the production of serotonin, which in turn reduces symptoms of depression,” she says.

Golfers spend many hours outdoors, and time outdoors improves mood, especially for older adults, according to a study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. In fact, the researchers reported that older adults who spent at least 30 minutes outdoors every day were more likely to have fewer depressive symptoms than those who spent that time indoors.

Greater social interaction

“One of the reasons golf may be so popular with older adults is because of the social and psychological benefits it provides,” says Dr. Ambardar. “Being around other human beings in a friendly, fun, low-risk environment has many mental health benefits.”

This benefit can be particularly strong for retirees who no longer have that guaranteed daily contact with others that a workplace provides.

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“As people age, they tend to become more socially isolated, which can increase their chances of developing depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline,” says Dr. Ambardar. “Golf provides an excellent avenue to combat these risks because it is often played with other people, which offers a natural opportunity for camaraderie and human contact, which we know improves mental health.”

“It’s a very social game,” adds Cooper. “If you’re looking to meet new people, that’s a great thing. You can close when you are not having conversations with other people. But when you’re playing golf with other people, listening to their ideas, talking about your grandchildren, you see that other people have problems too. You can recognize that sometimes getting older is difficult. We are turning the page, we are not working as much and it can be difficult”.

Building Trust

By starting or returning to golf slowly (and accepting your skill level), your confidence can grow. “Golf is a matter of understanding your balance and your athletic ability,” says Cooper. “I try to make each student the best of what comes.”

And playing regularly, which can lead to improvement, also helps boost confidence. “For golf, doing it daily is better than weekly, and four times a week is better than once a week,” says Cooper. But be realistic in your expectations of him: “there is no crash course.” And don’t be afraid to do something wrong, he says. It’s all part of the learning process.

practicing patience

Golfers must develop (to some extent) the quality of patience, with themselves, with other people, and with the game (as opposed to tennis or golf). pickle, a round of golf moves at a slow pace). Cooper says many beginning players give up because they don’t think they’re improving fast enough and miss out on the thrill of a breakthrough in their skill level.

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“If you’re playing golf, you shouldn’t be in a rush or expect instant gratification,” says Cooper. “You’re just going so fast.” Cooper adds that when he sees people who are agitated on the golf course, chances are they’ve brought concerns from the outside world into the game. “I think there are a lot of things you can discover about yourself when you play golf. If you don’t have patience, it’s a skill you’re going to have to develop,” he says.

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