A Top Trainer Shared 5 Tips for Growing Bigger Biceps

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In a recent video on his YouTube channel, the trainer and fitness influencer jeremy ethier breaks down some of the simple ways you think you can improve your bicep workouts and start seeing better and faster results.

Since everything in the body is connected, Ethier advises starting by looking at how you train your back. Movements like rows, lat pulldowns, and pulldowns engage both the biceps and the back muscles, so don’t overlook the value of these exercises in terms of gaining size. But to maximize results, he recommends targeting the biceps directly, with exercises specifically targeting that muscle group, like curls.

Second, Ethier emphasizes how important it is to perform a full range of motion to take full advantage of stretch-mediated hypertrophy and to select exercises that challenge the biceps when it’s in a fully stretched position. “The best options here are the slightly incline dumbbell curl and the behind-the-body cable curl,” he says. “After the last set of these exercises, once you’ve reached or are very close to failure, do half reps of just the bottom of the curl. This will get you past your normal point of failure and further prioritize this all.” important positions fully stretched”.

Third, he suggests increasing the volume of your training. “There’s a good chance that, as long as you don’t overdo it, a small increase in your weekly biceps volume will translate into faster gains,” he says. “My recommendation is to use 15 sets of direct bicep training as an upper limit.”

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Ethier’s fourth tip is inspired by the old-school bodybuilding philosophy of the mind-muscle connection. “Every time you curl, try to really feel your biceps doing the work,” he says. “Think of pulling the barbell or dumbbell up toward your body instead of just lifting the weight.”

Finally, you should keep coming up with new ways to challenge your biceps once they get used to a certain set of stimuli. “Compared to his big compound exercises, the progression with his biceps exercises will be slow,” he says. “But focus on tracking your progress and making small improvements week after week and you’ll quickly notice that your biceps are growing faster than ever.”

Philip Ellis is a UK freelance writer and journalist who covers pop culture, relationships and LGBTQ+. His work has appeared in GQ, Teen Vogue, Man Repeller, and MTV.

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