Urinating is a routine process of daily life. The doctor himself says that urine should be taken on time. Don’t try to stop it. Due to this, the sac of urine can burst at the internal level. Sometimes this problem can even cost life. But then the urine becomes abnormal. When it started coming again and again. If urine is coming several times a day. Many times you are going to sleep, then there is a need to be alert. Doctors say that frequent urination is an indication of many diseases. These need to be understood in time. This is a symptom of those diseases, which are growing slowly in the body. Let us know that due to excessive urine coming, which diseases are prone to occur.
Diabetes is also the reason
Doctors tell that the kidney removes blood sugar through urine. In such a situation, when there is diabetes, the level of sugar in the blood increases. This causes more urine to come. There are many people who have to urinate every two hours in the night. It should be checked in time.
Is there any problem in kidney
Kidney is an important part in the body. It works to remove toxic substances from the body. Its major functions are nitrogenous toxins. By doing this, the kidney works to clean the blood. When the kidney starts getting damaged or is affected by some infection, then its work of expelling urine is affected. The person passes urine very rarely, but many times. Due to this, toxic toxins and proteins start accumulating in the body. These toxic substances are not able to get out of the body and due to this the health of kidney as well as other organs also deteriorates. There can be many reasons for kidney failure, including high blood pressure, injury, diabetes etc.
Urinary tract infection is called UTI. When bacteria multiply in the bladder and tubes, inflammation occurs in the bladder. Because of this he is unable to collect urine. Therefore, as soon as the kidney filters the liquid, the feeling of passing urine starts. This is the reason why urine has to be passed every once in a while. Therefore, if urine is coming then it should be checked.
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